Momo +(30)Science Mod deprecated

Add more complex crafting for science. An overhaul mod make for 30 new Science Pack(MSP) Bob's, Angel's. Reintroduce Bob'sExtended Item. >> Include MOD PACK <<

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

g Coal Processing 2 Broke

6 years ago

So I just invested the 17 hours to get to green science and then went to research coal processing 2 and finished both prerequisites and the science it broken?
I don't know who's fault it might be but regardless I thought if someone would implement a fix it would be the person in charge of the compatibility mod. I'm not even sure what the issue is.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Coal processing 2 need 3 prerequisites
I think it broke because some mod disable Electrolysis 1 technology

6 years ago

Thanks for pointing out the issue. In my angel bobs balancing mod I removed the bobs electrolyser and ported it to the angels one for continuity and didn't think to check the additions within Pyanodons. I've now just added a line in my mod removing the prerequisite in the technology for Py.

6 years ago

I think disable technology are not the real issue here.
The game should check if the prerequisite technologies can research or not if it can't it will throw out the error when game start.
So the game shouldn't start.

6 years ago

Does that mean that theres a bug with the datatable checking particularly for technologies? Cause if so that's atleast a missing error message for loading

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