Momo +(30)Science Mod deprecated

Add more complex crafting for science. An overhaul mod make for 30 new Science Pack(MSP) Bob's, Angel's. Reintroduce Bob'sExtended Item. >> Include MOD PACK <<

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

g Fantastic

5 years ago

Wow didnt download it yet, but the picture of all the things looks damn complicated and so fantastic! Great work man.

5 years ago

i hope it does work in combination with Bobs extended..

5 years ago

you are a madman. i love it :D

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

but i'm having trouble getting this to run alongside MSP. is there a specific combination of mods required to run properly with MSP? there's a crash on load with momo, MSP, and bob's collection (no angels).
edit: running with the full compliment of content-adding mods included in the optional dependencies allows momo to load with MSP. without, it triggers an error.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

There are some settings combination that still bug. I will upload next version soon.

5 years ago

yeah, a combination with Kao would be awesome :D

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

The problem with KaoExtended is they put everything in data-final-fixes.lua
that mean I need to write another layer of override that change recipe and if it come with py mod it a nightmare

5 years ago

Hmm. Why u need an other layer? Do you need to do your stuff so early, that you cant load it after him? But I understand that this compatibility isn´t so easy.

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