Module Inserter

Mass insert modules into machines with construction bots

5 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

b [fixed] Wrong module inserted

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I'm trying to insert Speed Module 3 into Assembling Machine 3 and for some reason it's inserting Speed Module 2 instead. It doesn't do this with any other machine as far as I've noticed. In the Module Inserter itself, it shows Speed 3s, but it actually orders Speed 2s and I don't see why it would suddenly start doing that after years of working just fine.

Edit: Seems every single module I try to insert into the Assembly Machine 3 becomes Speed 2...

2 years ago

Well, never mind, it was user error - I didn't see that I'd already chosen Assembly Machine 3 earlier in the GUI. Why can I select the same machine more than once??

1 year, 3 months ago

Holy hell bro, I wasnt being able to insert modules, and couldnt figure out. Turns out I was having the same problem you mentioned here!! Thanks for writing the solution.
And yes, I agree that its kinda absurd to be able to select same machine >1

1 year, 3 months ago

Glad I could help lol, hope this gets fixed at some point

5 months ago

Should be fixed in the next version. The fix will only prevent you from doubling configurations, it won't fix presets with duplicates.

New response