Module Inserter

Mass insert modules into machines with construction bots

5 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

i [todo] QOL suggestion: add an InformaTron help page

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I have Module Inserter enabled because a mod pack recommended it but I had to exit the game and look up this mod portal to figure out how to work the mod. (And even then it wasn't enough. I had to trial and error to eventually figure out that I had to add Module Inserter to my shortcut bar. If there is another way to make a Module Inserter blueprint I wasn't able to figure it out, and I'm a coder.)

Anyway, with an InformaTron page, you can explain to users how to use your mod in-game. It has lots of great in-game help features.

edit: sorry I forget to file this under Ideas & Suggestions

5 months ago

I'm a coder.

Then you probably know that documention is annoying ;)
But I get it, I'm coming back after more than 3 years and feel like I know nearly nothing about how my mods are supposed to work anymore.

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