Module Inserter

Mass insert modules into machines with construction bots

5 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

i wishlist: easier updating of module presets *or* "all presets" import/export between games. plus experience improvement.

4 years ago

G'day. Sorry for bundling multiple things into one, uh, wishlist post. The are different ways to solve the same problem, so I figure they belong together.

The background, which hopefully helps explain why I'm asking some of this stuff:

I have a "three tier" fallback pattern for assembler machines that I use. Because it involves human decisions, I'd like to have multiple presets. ...and because I'm lazy -- ahem, because I like automation, I'd either use multiple presets for the inserter patterns, or I'd like to be able to copy the "set of presets" between games.

Copying is the laziest version, especially if I could paste a blueprint string (or equivalent) into a setting for all new games. Then I can build the presets once, and just use them everywhere. Nothing else needs to change.

If I have to set them up each game, though, a few UX tweaks would make it work better for my "mental model" of how the thing works.

In my mind there is always a "currently active preset", it just starts as the "unnamed default preset." "Save Changes" always updates the "active" preset, based on the new machine/module map. Optionally a separate button will use the changes without updating the preset, but I'd, uh, think of that as creating a new preset instead.

As an alternative, if there was a "overwrite this preset with the current map" button next to the "trash" button, that'd make it easy to manually implement that workflow. I would certainly find that -- alone -- a nice improvement over the current way I update presets.

If you don't change the model, I'd suggest changing "save changes" to "use changes" -- makes it clearer that it just "makes them currently active", rather than saving them somewhere. which is technically accurate, but since defaults are "the way to save something"....

Feel free to hit me up on factorio discord if this isn't clear, or whatever, and I'll follow qns here of course.

Regardless of what you choose, thank you for the module. It is awesome, and I appreciate your doing it.

4 years ago

This kind of goes into the direction of right?
Since i know you use AutoTrash: Is it clearer/easier there with the textfield being autofilled when loading a preset?
Import/export is planned in the next few days

4 years ago

Populating the text field when the preset is loaded is much better. It makes saving it easy. Thank you.

I think they are talking about the same thing I am, too, with the save button not being quite what I'd expect.

New response