So from what I can tell, the issue is that at line 211 in overmind.lua, there is an attempt to create an attack command on the chunk defined by chunk_data.best_target.chunk.
Unfortunately, as shown by comparing the log message coded at line 205 with overmind.log (linked above), chunk_data.best_target seems to resolve to "debug mode disable" rather than the expected array.
I tried tracing it back, and found the following:
overmind.lua:162: local chunk_data = spawnable_chunks[1]
overmind.lua:154: local spawnable_chunks = table.filter(global.overwatch.valuable_chunks, function(data) return data.best_target ~= nil end)
overwatch.lua:119: table.insert(global.overwatch.valuable_chunks, { chunk = data.chunk, value = value, spawn = data.spawn, best_target = })
Now it turns out that that line is used in a function defined on line 104: "Overwatch.stages.evaluate_base = function(data)"
So presumably whatever calls stages.evaluate_base isn't feeding it the data it needs to for best_target and I just need to find whatever is calling that function.