
Vastly improved biter AI behavior, tweaks biter expansion mechanics. Memento mori.

8 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

g Does this work with Mobs from other mods.

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)


I have both 5dims mob and Dytechs mobs enabled this the the results of the spawner:

data.raw["unit-spawner"]["biter-spawner"].result_units = (function()
local res = {}
res[1] = {unit = "small-biter", spawn_points = {{evolution_factor=0, spawn_weight=0.3},
{evolution_factor=0.250, spawn_weight=0}}} --stops at 0.3 evo
if not data.isdemo then
res[2] = {"medium-biter", {{0.200, 0.3}, {0.319, 0}}}
res[3] = {"5d-small-biter-laser", {{0.3, 0.0}, {0.6, 0.3}, {0.8, 0.1}}}
res[4] = {"5d-small-biter-physical", {{0.3, 0.0}, {0.6, 0.3}, {0.8, 0.1}}}
res[5] = {"5d-small-biter-explosive", {{0.3, 0.0}, {0.6, 0.3}, {0.8, 0.1}}}
res[6] = {"big-biter", {{0.256, 0}, {0.387, 0.35}}}
res[7] = {"5d-medium-biter-laser", {{0.6, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.4}}}
res[8] = {"5d-medium-biter-physical", {{0.6, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.4}}}
res[9] = {"5d-medium-biter-explosive", {{0.6, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.4}}}
res[10] = {"young-berserk-biter", {{0.311, 0.30}, {0.456, 0.0}}}
res[11] = {"young-elder-biter", {{0.367, 0.20}, {0.524, 0.0}}}
res[12] = {"young-king-biter", {{0.422, 0.1}, {0.593, 0.0}}}
res[13] = {"young-queen-biter", {{0.478, 0.05}, {0.661, 0.0}}}
res[14] = {"teen-berserk-biter", {{0.533, 0.30}, {0.730, 0.0}}}
res[15] = {"teen-elder-biter", {{0.589, 0.20}, {0.798, 0.0}}}
res[16] = {"teen-king-biter", {{0.644, 0.1}, {0.867, 0.0}}}
res[17] = {"teen-queen-biter", {{0.700, 0.05}, {0.935, 0.0}}}
res[18] = {"adult-berserk-biter", {{0.756, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.40}}}
res[19] = {"adult-elder-biter", {{0.811, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.30}}}
res[20] = {"adult-king-biter", {{0.867, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.20}}}
res[21] = {"adult-queen-biter", {{0.922, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.10}}}
res[22] = {"5d-big-biter-laser", {{0.99, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.3}}}
res[23] = {"5d-big-biter-physical", {{0.99, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.3}}}
res[24] = {"5d-big-biter-explosive", {{0.99, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.3}}}
return res

Does this work with this mod, or is there a way to make it spawn all these units?
PS: I copied just the Biter lua, Theres an equally big spitter one with all the spitter units

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