Mining Drones 2.0 Remastered

by AivanF

Adds mining drones and depots providing great yet cusomizable balance: - robust drones recipe ingredients instead of pure iron - normal pollution rate - electric energy usage - editable stack sizes - many compatible mods And so much more! Everything is configurable, many supported mods. Locales: 🇬🇧 English 🇩🇪 Deutsch 🇪🇸 Español 🇫🇷 Français 🇹🇷 Türkçe 🇺🇦 Український 🇷🇺 Русский 🇨🇳 中文

7 months ago

b MD + Beltlayer bug

5 months ago

I played with the global mods Space exploration + Krastorio

Serious problems with UPS, it falls critically. Analyzed different bundles of mods and found the following:
1) a problem arises on another planet different from home.
2) anti-meteorite guns must be installed (from SE).
3) As soon as miners start to run out of the depot, unit_time jumps from 0.1 to 100-200 with serious lags.
4) Removing miners from the depot / removing the beltlayer mod / removing MD mod solves the problem.

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