Mining Drones

by Klonan

Adds mining drones and mining depots

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

b drones don't refresh target list

4 years ago

The drone don't update their potential mining target list after the building is placed, which creates a few funny situations with mods that add regenerating resources.

4 years ago

yea well, I only scan for new resources when we need something new to mine

4 years ago

the Tiberium mod spanws new ore tiles every now and then. Can you make it so that it rescans targets every minute or so?

4 years ago

It will find new ores if/when it runs out or stuff to mine, there isn't a need to rescan more often

4 years ago

Tiberium spreads over time, with new tiles spawning near existing tiles. But those new tiles are ignored, with the drones going to further points instead, allowing it to spread toward the depot, potentially out of range of the mining.

4 years ago

I have to repeat my request. Drones do run out of enough Tiberium they mine dregs as there's an entire field regenerated around them.
It doesn't have to be frequent, but every 3 minutes or so should be enough to keep up with the field deplention and respawn.

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