Mining Drones

by Klonan

Adds mining drones and mining depots

a month ago
0.17 - 1.1

i Remove-mining-drone-sound setting

4 years ago

I got a request to remove mining drone sounds from your mod:

I was able to do it rather quickly:

It's a small change, so I ask if you wouldn't mind adding a setting in your mod? The only "gotcha" I ran into, was when I removed the play-sound effect in damaged_trigger_effect, crude-oil's attack proxy was left with an empty table - and the game had a start-up error it couldn't find key type.

4 years ago

Sure, it wasn't so hard, I added it

4 years ago

Thank you. I'll go tell the other person and post it on my now useless mod's page, lol

4 years ago

I can't seem to find this setting in the Mod settings in factorio? Where can I disable this?

10 months ago

How do we disable drone sounds when running this on multiplayer via Factorio Server Manager please?

10 months ago
(updated 10 months ago)

How do we disable drone sounds when running this on multiplayer via Factorio Server Manager please?

Uhh lad, this thread is THREE YEARS OLD, so creating a new thread would've been better.

Doing a quick search on "Factorio Server Manager", the drone sound is a start-up setting, so changing the start-up setting, in it, is how.

@Klonan If you do not normally lock a resolved / old thread, I would recommend starting to do so :p

New response