Mining Drones

by Klonan

Adds mining drones and mining depots

11 days ago
0.17 - 2.0

g Finally I can have slaves do the mining

5 years ago

thanks for another roleplay mod

5 years ago

but in my case it tanked the performance. i have a lot of big mods like bob, angel etc. and when i had this with 3 miners and ~100 total drones i could have only up to 100-150 ups but the second i removed them (i didnt remove the mod, just removed them) it increased to 360-380 ups. so yea, it is a fun mod but in my case it was not applicable :(

(it is op as fu** btw)

ryzen r9 3900x
gtx 980ti xtreme edition
16gb 3000mhz ram

5 years ago

Can you provide a save game wiht the slow performance?

5 years ago

Can you provide a save game wiht the slow performance?

i moved quite a lot from that save and like i mentioned i really don't think it is this mod's fault, i assume it is how i play (i never go for optimizing by any means) but if you still need my latest savegame (which i am having issue with another mod :D) feel free Klonan :)

like i said even without your mod i can only go up to 300ish ups :D and as i said i moved a lot since then, added a lot of extra modes, changed a lot of settings (added warehouses, merging chests, increased stacksizes etc which can be counted as anti-opmimization :P)

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