Mining Drones

by Klonan

Adds mining drones and mining depots

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

g How to handle dropped secondary mined resources?

5 years ago

So far the only major issue I found with other mods is when there's a secondary resource produced like in Dyworld [examples: (stone/"sand"), (coal/sulfur), ("reforested" wood/acorns). Basically I think for every mining action there's a higher percentage for the main resource but there's a small chance to get the secondary byproduct. I think there's a junk mod that works in a similar way.

Normal automated mining methods require you to just splitter filter them out and divert them for another production process or store them in buffer chests.

With this mod, the drones just drop the secondary product (because it isn't the primary resource specified at the depot) on the floor. One pro, no filtering required. Con, a lot of junk gets left on the floor near the resources. Making rounds to pick it up isn't that bad, but I'd like to find a clean automated solution either as a workaround that I'm not seeing or some sort of adjustment to the mod to allow for secondary products.

You could use belts and inserters near the resource mining site that pick up the dropped products to at least be able to automate some storage of the byproduct, but it's nowhere near a fully clean solution especially as you scale up because the placed entities just force the miners to drop expandingly outward.

In any case, I love the mod, thanks!

5 years ago

You can use a mining depot set to the other resource, and the dudes should go pick up the junk

5 years ago

Okay I tried this out, and it worked up to a point.

Even when I tried to keep the "drop rate" of the primary resource faster than the the "clean up" rate using several methods, at some point the junk collector would start ignoring the dropped resource and go after trying to obtain the junk directly from the ore patch, which led to the the primary resource now being dropped on the floor making an even bigger mess, made worse because the percentage chance for the primary resource is usually 95% to the 5% for the junk. The miners at the first depot for the primary resource would completely ignore what's dropped entirely unless I reset the depot by taking the drones out and putting them back, but again, at some point the dropped resource would be ignored entirely at some point.

5 years ago

Ran into the same issue with junk resources being dropped. Setup 4x Mining drone bays to mine copper. The junk ore is copper being left all over the ground. Only noticed this after updating this mod. Any other solutions to handling junk ore cleanup besides another mod that automates cleaning up anything left on the ground the the Schall Pickup Tower mod?

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