Mining Tools (+dynamites to provide new resources)

Tools to speed up your mining (pneumatic drills & fast mining drills), provide new resources (with dynamite or massive water injection) and even erase resources (with dynamite).

5 years ago
0.13 - 0.17
This mod 10 From other mods 6
Dependency types:
Default 10 Required 0 Conflict 0 Optional 10 Hidden 0
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 557K
angelsinfiniteores 102K
angelsprocessing (Invalid: Failed to find mod) -
angelsrefining 193K
dark-matter-replicators 100
Nucular 60
Thorium Mod (Invalid: Failed to find mod) -
reactor (Invalid: Failed to find mod) -
Crafted Artifacts 14
5dim_ores 16.9K
bobores 244K
Last dependency data update: 6 hours ago (for v1.0.37)