
by Wiwiweb

Keep track of your progress in a fun way by finding out how fast you created key items. Look back on your factory's history, compare with your friends, or challenge yourself. Supports any list of items and comes with presets for popular big mods. Can be added to existing games.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [Not a bug] Milestone time doesn't match save time

2 years ago

I'm running SE 0.5 with Milestones 1.2.2. I noticed that lately, the milestones recorded by the mod don't match the actual in-game save time.

Specifically, the Milestones mod recorded the DSS-3 milestone as 182:26:07, but the in game time of the save I made a few minutes afterwards is at 194:08:54. I have screenshots too, but I'm not sure how to upload them here.

This has been going on for a while, but I just now noticed that the difference is huge. I think it's increasing over time.

2 years ago

Do you happen to have a mod that can pause the game like Factory Planner?

Factorio has 2 play times, game.ticks_played which includes time spent paused by a script, and is the time used by Factorio for the save file time. And game.tick which does not include pauses and is the one Milestones uses.

I kinda did that on purpose since I see the Milestones time as more an extension of the production graphs time and not of the save file time. Does that make sense?

2 years ago

Ah, yes. I'm using FP, and I pause heavily with it. I suspected FP might be the cause. Well - good to know that it's not a bug :).

I think the behavior makes sense, especially since the mod supports deducing the milestone times from previous events in the production graph. It could be nice if the mod can save both save game.ticks_played and game.tick when a milestone is reached; and if the two aren't equal, it could have a toggle on the GUI to switch between the two times. I understand if you think that's unnecessary complexity though.

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