
by Wiwiweb

Keep track of your progress in a fun way by finding out how fast you created key items. Look back on your factory's history, compare with your friends, or challenge yourself. Supports any list of items and comes with presets for popular big mods. Can be added to existing games.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [Fixed] Error joining multiplayer game

3 years ago

593.564 Loading script.dat: 10120832 bytes.
593.573 Checksum for script C:/<redacted>/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 1735894310
593.574 Checksum for script WireShortcuts/control.lua: 2395334676
593.577 Checksum for script aai-industry/control.lua: 2028173134
593.579 Checksum for script aai-signal-transmission/control.lua: 2864667130
593.582 Checksum for script actual-craft-times-remade/control.lua: 3770996488
593.588 Checksum for script custom-map-colors/control.lua: 4008520782
593.591 Checksum for script DiscoScience/control.lua: 3734133783
593.595 Checksum for script grappling-gun/control.lua: 3254250820
593.598 Checksum for script informatron/control.lua: 791590929
593.604 Checksum for script jetpack/control.lua: 2104331437
593.606 Checksum for script robot_attrition/control.lua: 1761618108
593.611 Checksum for script shield-projector/control.lua: 3360108861
593.612 Checksum for script space-exploration-graphics/control.lua: 17466373
593.613 Checksum for script space-exploration-graphics-4/control.lua: 17466373
593.625 Checksum for script Todo-List/control.lua: 3829494964
593.639 Checksum for script Milestones/control.lua: 3029878150
593.650 Checksum for script ModuleInserter/control.lua: 3713033641
593.687 Checksum for script PickerDollies/control.lua: 2554334069
593.719 Checksum for script RecipeBook/control.lua: 573499505
594.027 Checksum for script space-exploration/control.lua: 2371863861
594.097 Checksum for script factoryplanner/control.lua: 947432809
594.099 Checksum for script discovery_tree/control.lua: 745888149
594.117 Checksum for script RateCalculator/control.lua: 340332318
595.695 Error ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:1130: mod-Milestones was registered for the following nth_ticks when the map was saved but has not re-registered them as a result of loading: 240
595.696 Error ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:98: MultiplayerManager failed: "" + multiplayer.script-event-mismatch + "
" + "
595.696 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:592: UpdateTick(28258807) changing state from(ConnectedLoadingMap) to(Failed)
601.408 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:210: Quitting multiplayer connection.
601.409 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:592: UpdateTick(28258807) changing state from(Failed) to(Disconnected)
602.182 Info UDPSocket.cpp:218: Closing socket
602.182 Info UDPSocket.cpp:248: Socket closed

I should be able to recreate it if you need more info from the logs or if you need more info.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I think I know what the issue is. It has to do with the delayed chat message that appears 4 seconds after the game start. If a player joined before that appeared, that would cause a desync.

Please try the version I just pushed (1.0.3). I did not test it in multiplayer myself, but Factorio's "heavy mode" is no longer detecting an issue, where it did before, so I think it should work.

3 years ago

Finally got a chance to test this. Looks like it's working fine. I'll let you know if there's any further issues. Thanks for the mod, I love it!

1 year, 5 months ago

I am getting this error message with K2+SE. Starting happening randomly after about 30 hours of gametime.

1 year, 5 months ago

Can you copy paste the error message?

New response