Miles' Bob's Expansion deprecated

Adds machines of higher tiers than bob's as well as some other things such as small electric furnaces

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1


-Initial release

-0.2.0 - 26th December 2018
Added the early electric furnace

-0.3.0 - 6th January 2019
Fixed technology naming issues not displaying correctly
Adjusted Science Time on technologies
Now with 100% more logos!

-0.4.0 - 12th January 2019
Fixed the early electric furnaces subgroup to be correct
Adjusted science time and cost to the early electric furnaces

-0.4.1 - 12th January 2019
Hotfix to add bob modules dependency for the items needed in the recipes
Hotfix on the item order for the early electric furnace

-0.5.0 - 26th July 2019
Updated for 0.17, sorry for the wait xoxo
Removed Bob's Plates dependency and updated dependency versions
Updated all Assembling Machines to HQ sprites
Changed Assembling Machine 8 to a new shade of pink (Thanks to LuziferSenpai!)

-0.5.1 - 27th July 2019
Hotfix for a dependency

-0.5.2 - 31st August 2019
Hotfix for a Typo, allowing 57 Modules in an Assembler instead of the desired 7

-0.6.0 - 19st November 2019
New Icon Art
Nerfed Crafting Speed of normal Assemblers to a maximum of 5.00
Updated Dependencies to their newest versions

-0.6.1 - 14th December 2019
Fixed Pollution of electronic Assemblers, T4 generating 0.1 less thant T3 and T5 generating 0.1 less than T4
Adjusted Module Slots to 7 and 8 for electronic assembler T4 and T5 (Down from 8 and 10)
Adjusted energy usage of electronic assembler T4 and T5 to 800kW and 1000kW to be more in line with the other machines

-0.7.0 - 6th March 2020
Updated for 0.18, again: Was being lazy, literally just had to change version numbers xoxo

-0.8.0 - 6th July 2020
Happy Birthday to me! Spent the night adding conditional recipes. Depending if bobplates and/or bobelectronics are present, recipes change
Adjusted crafting speed and module slots
Fixed technology icon as well as some machine icons

-0.8.3 - 20th July 2020
Hotfix for crafting speed of assemblers. T7 now actually better than T6. Raised maximum craft speed of all machines
Adjusted conditional recipes for Bob's Plates and/or Bobs'Electronics to be more in-line with high tier metals. Additional CPU requirement removed.

-0.9.0 - 2nd December 2020
Update for 1.0 (0.8.3 was working on 1.0 too, but now its official...)

-0.10.0 - 2nd December 2020
Update for 1.1, nothing changed besides version number.

-0.11.0 - 21st June 2022
Update for the current Factorio Version, fixed technology icon crash.

-0.11.1 - 21st June 2022
Hotfix for sprite sizes.