Maintenance Madness

by Arcitos

Adds a complete new game mechanic: Maintenance! Create a sophisticated spare parts logistics and bring your mall to its absolute limits! UPS-friendly and MP-tested - Now with a fancy GUI!

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18


Maintenance items

Icon Name Repair capacity Repair speed Technology Description
Mechanical spare parts 25 Slow Steel processing This item represents mechanical wearing parts, like bearings or blades. It is required for almost all machines that feature moving parts.
Electronic spare parts 25 Slow Battery This represents transistors, capacitors, batteries and other IC-related parts. They are needed for machines that contain any kind of microelectronics.
Liquid cleanser 75 Slow Plastics This item is required for most high-tech equipment, like labs, solar panels and accumulators.
Machine oil 75 Slow Lubricant This item is required for most machinery, especially assemblers and generators.
Toolbox 7500 Fast Recondition The toolbox is an expensive high-tech repair utility and is also required for maintenance of reactors or roboports.

Life-cycle and status icons

Symbol Phase
New Machine: If a machine is placed, maintenance starts only after about one hour. In the beginning, every machine gets some bonus time, where maintenance is not required. But please note, this is somewhat randomized: the initial phase of a machine can end after about half an hour if you're unlucky, but this is very unlikely. Rule of thumb: As long as you don't start using new machines, they will age very slowly.
Maintenance: Machines will occasionally request maintenance items. This yellow sign shows the type and amount of items needed. To fulfill the demand, either place the requested items in an adjacent maintenance unit or let con bots deliver them to the machine. If all of the required materials are provided in time, service will be 100% completed. Otherwise the service percentage will be lower, which will fasten the aging of the machine, effectively reducing its lifetime.
Failures: The older a machine is, the more likely it will break down. If a malfunction occurs, a red alert sign will be placed above the machine. Also, the machine stops working and is somewhat damaged. The intensity of the damage increases the older a machine is and may cause critical failures if the machine is very old. To start repair, provide the mandatory repair items by maintenance unit or construction bot. If nothing helps, you are always able to mine the machine and place it back down.
Repair: The red symbol with a slightly rotated wrench indicates that all mandatory repair materials have been delivered and repair is in progress. Repair is very slow at first (hover over a machine with active ALT mode to get more information). To speed up repair time, provide some or all of the additionally repair items the machine will require soon after. If repair time is up, the machine returns to normal operation.
Maximum repair speed: If you note this orange symbol with an animated wrench, all additionally repair items have been provided and repair is progressing with maximum speed. If repair time is up, the machine returns to normal operation.
Replacement: Machines will automatically request replacement if they reach a certain operation age. The replacement is indicated by a blue symbol with two circling arrows. If a maintenance unit or your bots provide the requested machine, the age of the machine is reset to zero and its life cycle starts again. At the start of the next maintenance event, the replaced machine is ready for collection as a scrap item. You now have the option to recycle or recondition the old machine.
Forced replacement: Very old machines are prone to critical failures. To prevent this, such machines are shut down at 150% of their expected operation age for safety reasons. They will sit idle until they are replaced