Maintenance Madness

by Arcitos

Adds a complete new game mechanic: Maintenance! Create a sophisticated spare parts logistics and bring your mall to its absolute limits! UPS-friendly and MP-tested - Now with a fancy GUI!

3 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g 1.1 maybe?

3 years ago

Is this mod still alive?

3 years ago

Pretty please?

3 years ago

+1 !

3 years ago

Please Update to 1.1

3 years ago

+1 update 1.1

2 years ago

Not sure if anyone still want this, but I'll be releasing an updated version of this mod, since I liked it's idea and it seems to not be maintained anymore.

I'm new to Lua and Factorio modding though, I got it working on 1.1 already, but haven't extensively tested yet and also need to check a lot of the code and get used to what it does so I can properly maintain it.

Not sure if anyone still want this, but I'll be releasing an updated version of this mod, since I liked it's idea and it seems to not be maintained anymore.

I'm new to Lua and Factorio modding though, I got it working on 1.1 already, but haven't extensively tested yet and also need to check a lot of the code and get used to what it does so I can properly maintain it.

Hey Master_L are you still planning on reviving this mod? I hope so. Also one thing to look out for is compatibility with other mod's GUI scripts. If I remember correctly the original maintenance madness had compatibility issues with realistic nuclear reactors.

2 years ago

Yeah, I am.

I got it working on 1.1, but haven't tested much with other mods.
I also want to refactor it's code since I feel that right now it isn't too friendly to maintain and add more features on the long run.

I didn't release it earlier because no one had replied to this before so I thought no one was currently interested, so I started working on the code refactoring.
But I can pause that and just finish some small adjustments (namely change references to the old name for the new one, Maintenance Madness Reloaded) and release.

I plan on expanding on the mod idea in the future, maybe change or add mechanics, items, tech, etc...

Is this the incompatible mod? ->

I'm sorry to hear that no one showed interest until now. And if its not too much a trouble I would love to give an early beta a try and provide feedback on bugs/compatibility with other mods. But I'd totally understand if you'd rather finish the code refactor before uploading. And yes the link you provided is the correct one.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Well, this mod has great idea (which is "work to live" just like IRL), but implementation is (was?)... questionable.
For example, maintenance items are being nullified instead of producing waste, which then should be recycled.
It could be fine for vanilla, but for Angel+Bob it is already looking dumb
So feel free to refactor and reimplement everything, as the mod was never exactly good anyway. No one will miss the original
But interesting and sophisticated maintenance is what we all looking for IMO

2 years ago

That's a good ideia, Cybervantyz.
I'm still going to first refactor the mod as it was not only to try to improve the code and better organize things, but also so I can get a better grasp of how Factorio mods work, since this is my first contact with Factorio modding.

I'll definitely add the possibility of having waste to recycle (user would be able to toggle), but for now I just added a new issue so I remember it.

If anyone has more suggestions, feel free to add a new issue:

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

this mod is very complicated for a new programmer (im new myself) but i cant reach you on github. it appears everything on your github is closed to comments. also would you like a file to add compatibility to IR2?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

That just means you don't have a GitHub account, because the repo is public.
Once you make a GitHub account, you will be able to comment, add new issues, etc
Then you can post your file in an issue, since I'm currently rewriting most of the code, so I'll probably have to adapt the IR2 fix too.

I'm not a new programmer I have over 10 years of experience I'm only new to Lua.

2 years ago

An Update would be absolutely amazing!! Thanks for putting in the time. The game would only half as good without modders like you. Thank you so much : )

2 years ago


1 year, 9 months ago

Well, I got a full-time job, so I didn't have time these past months to complete the rework. :(

Things are a bit better now on the job, so I'll get back into it. Sorry for the delay.

New response