Maintenance Madness

by Arcitos

Adds a complete new game mechanic: Maintenance! Create a sophisticated spare parts logistics and bring your mall to its absolute limits! UPS-friendly and MP-tested - Now with a fancy GUI!

3 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g building replacement

4 years ago

After a certain while my steam engines require replacement (I don't maintain them to well). The blue icon shows up but the machine itself appears to be functioning. Hovering my mouse over it tells me the machine is producing power and the animation is still running. What happens if I don't replace the machine, will it explode? Or is this a bug where the machine shouldn't be working whilst requiring a replacement?

4 years ago

The replacement sign is a reminder that a machine is a) very old and therefore will break down more often even if nothing "bad" happens and b) that the machine will soon get to an age where it may be completely destroyed in case of a break down. But the sign itself will not stop the machine, nor will it force you to replace it. Therefore it is blue, not warning yellow or error red.
I hope this answered your question :)

4 years ago

It does, thanks for the information!

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