MLG FactOreo

😫Experience😫 2014 👌euphoria👌 and rack 🔝up☝ an 🔥EPIC💯 🔪kill streak💀 in 🤔what❔ might actually 🐝be🐝 the 👎worst👿 ⚙Factorio⚙ mod to ever 👀see👀 the 💡light🔦 of 🌞day🔆. Adds a new 'special' type of bullet magazine, and a sniper rifle (scope included but not encouraged [you scrub😠]) Yes the bullets work with turrets and vehicles

1 year, 9 months ago
0.18 - 1.1

g ????!!!??????

4 years ago

2020 is too depressing. Experience 2014 👌euphoria👌 and rack ⬆up☝ an 🔥EPIC💯 kill streak in 🤔what❔ might actually be🐝 the 👎worst👿 ⚙Factorio⚙ mod to ever 👀see👀 the 💡light of day☀. Adds a new 'special' type of bullet magazine, and a sniper rifle (scope included but not encouraged [you scrub]). All effects are purely visual.

4 years ago

subscribe for more minecraft

nice profile pic btw

4 years ago

hello this mod is called a "non game changing" but when I used it I had a brain aneurysm and my factory had a biter inside?????????

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I would argue biters in your factory are in fact normal unaltered gameplay, and your brain aneurysm wasn't a change to the game but a change to the mind 🤔🤔🤔. Now if it was your factory that had an aneurysm and your brain that had the biter in it, then we might have a good case to bring to the council

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