Luzivras Factorio Power [Continued] deprecated

by Kingdud

Adds Solarpannels and Accumulators MK 1-8. Originally by YouTube_Luzivras, updated for .17

5 years ago

g update

4 years ago

upgrade to 0.18.x

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I deprecated this mod because Luzivras updated his original mod for .17. During .17 I wrote two mods to replace the need for Luzivras's mod (in my playthroughs) entirely: NuclearRebalance and EnhancedGridEnergyStores. For the time being, I cannot update NuclearRebalance to .18 because Wube have not published the new data.raw / prototype definitions for .18. They changed some stuff under the covers and haven't told us exactly what (their posts on the forums 'that' they changed something aren't enough to actually implement it). For now, you're stuck. Stay on .17 a while longer.

4 years ago

NuclearRebalance is availible for 0.18 can you plz tell me what went wrong ? can you patch your map from 0.17 to 0.18?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

What went wrong in what capacity?

wrt to NuclearRebalance, the issue was that Bilka was on vacation for a few weeks (I didn't learn that until he'd been back for ~ a week) and .18 contained an updated Prototype/Generator and new Prototype/BurnerGenerator. I switched NuclearRebalance over from using Generator to using BurnerGenerator, but I could only do that once Bilka got back from vacation and put the changes on the wiki.

wrt to this mod, I didn't even look at updating it for .18. I deprecated it before the .18 launch by several months iirc because I saw that you had updated your copy of the mod to .18. I never had any desire to compete with original mod owners (save one incident with one extreme jerk of a mod owner -- not you, if that wasn't obvious) and so when I see the mods I '[continue]' are updated for the current patch level I deprecate my '[continued]' versions to (hopefully) push people back to the originals.

One thing you'll probably need to change is the icons. They added new icon art and even if you just tint existing icons you'll need to specify the new sizes for all the icons or else things will look weird. There's also a (new?) property called mipmaps (iirc) and it helps pick which of the 4 icon sizes in the .png you want to use. I think. I think that's what it does. I'm not actually sure.

4 years ago

thanks for reminding me of the icon change again xD, and i appreciate that your helping the people with creating follow up mods :D
i would love to chat with you directly via discord, heres my server:
as far as i understand the now normal icon size is 64pixels and since the old icons were 16pixels its automaitcly staring to draw it, so icon size devides the icon trough 4, unless you want to make a new pic with icon 64x64 you need to use icon size 4

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