Luzivras Factorio Power

Adds Solarpannels and Accumulators MK 1-8, Mk1 = 8 Normal pannels/accumulators Each Mark, means times 8 in power (additional cost on higher tears, to make a balance for the space)

4 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

b Invisible accumulatos

5 years ago

I'm reporting that accumulators placed in world appear invisible. Effects of charging and discharging can still be seen.

4 years ago

I have the same bug

4 years ago

This bug still exists. As of Factorio 0.18.25.

4 years ago

I know what the solution is. But it's a fair bit of work. You'll need to copy the 'accumulator' definition in data.raw into this mod, once for each. However, it should also be possible in data.lua to do a deeptable copy quickly and just modify the required parts

I tested this in the 1st accumulator and the accumulators to show.

4 years ago

I have published a 'redux' version that this issue and more and will soonish make an attempt at rebalancing items.

Link to my version:

3 years ago

Tell me how to solve this problem?

New response