Killing biters gives Military Science [for v.1.1]

Killing biters gives Military Science

2 years ago

i change military science recipe

2 years ago

maybe instead of dropping the military science itself, give a drop that is needed to craft the military science

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Hello, sorry for very late response (I put games on back plan in last months). I think such option doesn't fits me... I mean - it is interesting, but I don't care to implement it. It would be quite a bit of writing and option could look strange for some people. Sorry for that.

Main reason is - this mod makes sense for me when it gives you technology for killing biters. You could explain it in "lore-friendly" way. You learn how to fight them or what are their weak spots... Giving ammo and granades from biters wouldn't make sense from game logic perspective... At least in my opinion.

Of course there are mods out there that do completely unrealistic stuff, but... It's not my thing.

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