Killing biters gives Military Science [for v.1.1]

Killing biters gives Military Science

2 years ago
The Unlicense (Public Domain)
3 years ago
Latest Version:
0.0.11 (2 years ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
1.13K users

Credits to DellAquila, it's his mod :
I just changed required factorio version from 0.18 to 1.1 in mod descriptor, so game let you load it.

If you were to propose some simple improvements, I might develop this mod further.

Changelog :
0.0.11 - removed randomness. Previously game gave chance to spawn between amount of science set in settings/2 and whole amount.
change in .11 caused it to rarely (or perhaps even never?) drop science if 1 was in settings. (between 0.5 and 1 rounded down almost certainly 0). Now there's no randomness, but average loot might have doubled or tripled, so it might be necessary to adjust settings.
also behemots from now are giving (big biter settings)*5 potions. If (for example) big biters give 25% for 2 science, behemots will give 25% for 10 science.
0.0.10 - I've got yet another idea - there's now toggle setting, that lets you disable crafting military science packs. If it's on, then only way to get science is through fighting biters.
0.0.9 - I actually changed default settings. You've gotta kill at least a whole biter base for that 100 science technologies.. But feel free, to revert/change settings.
Nest 100->15
Worm 50->5
Enemies in "small" category 1->(1% for 1)
"medium" enemies 2->(5% for 1)
"big" enemies 3->(25% for 1)
0.0.8 - first version (orginal mod finished on this version)