Logistic Slot Manager

by Torquai

Create reusable logistic presets to simplify requesting and trashing items

7 years ago
0.15 - 0.16
Logistic network
7 years ago
Latest Version:
0.3.0 (7 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.15 - 0.16
Downloaded by:
16 users

So you love having bots automatically getting you stuff, but are fed up with overflowing inventories and lots of clicking?....

Introducing the Logistic slot manager!

  • Uses the games requestslots and trashslots
  • Easily create presets once! and reuse as you wish
  • New and improved UI, made to be kept open while you work.
  • White = Idle, Green = Requesting items, Red = Trashing items
  • If same item is being requested in one preset and trashed in another, request has priority.

So you want to build an outpost? Set presets for Trains, Oil and Power to Request
Need more power? Simply set preset for Solar or Nuclear to Request
Inventory full? Set presets to Trash and watch the little robots do your bidding.

Creating your first preset

  • Configure your request slots like to contain the items you want to manage
  • Click the Logi Slot Manager button in upper left corner
  • Press the Add Preset button
  • Give the preset a name and press Save
  • Voila

Activate a preset

  • Click the Logi Slot Manager button in upper left corner
  • Find the preset you want to deactivate
  • Click the second radiobox from the left (Will have a tooptip that says Request)
  • Sit back and watch the robots scurry at your command

Deactivate a preset

  • Click the Logi Slot Manager button in upper left corner
  • Find the preset you want to deactivate
  • Click the first radiobox from the left (Will have a tooltip that says Idle)

Clear inventory of a preset

  • Click the Logi Slot Manager button in upper left corner
  • Find the preset you want to deactivate
  • Click the third radiobox from the left (Will have a tooltip that says Trash)
  • Sit back and watch your inventory empty

Known bugs

  • None


v0.1.0 - Initial release
v0.1.1 - Fixed some cases of not able to minimize window
v0.1.2 - Occasional error then creating a new preset fixed
v0.1.3 - [Never happened]
v0.1.4 - Convinced the mod not to crash when other mods changed their settings.
v0.1.5 - No longer crashing if clicking the Add Preset while the Add Preset windows is open
v0.2.0 - Major rehaul of UI and core functionality
v0.2.1 - Fixed crash if activating a preset with a request count of 0 in one item
v0.3.0 - Adapted to 0.16 gui changes