Logistic Reactors

by Mylon

Logistic Reactors will use bots to request fuel and remove spent fuel.

1 year, 6 months ago
Logistic network Power

b Missing Dependecy LogisticAssemblingMachine-rebooted

3 months ago

It seems like this mod is missing a dependency: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/LogisticAssemblingMachine-rebooted

Factorio crashes on startup with: 3.432 Error AtlasSystem.cpp:1567: Path __LogisticAssemblingMachine-rebooted__/graphics/logistic-chemical-plant.png does not match any enabled mod.: __LogisticAssemblingMachine-rebooted__/graphics/logistic-chemical-plant.png; mods: LogisticNuclearReactor

This Texture is used in data.lua line 638 and 644 (assuming current most recent version 1.0.7)

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