Logistic Machines


New tiers of entities that come with integrated requester and provider chests and a substation. Now works with Bob's Mods and Krastorio2 entities!

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

i [RESOLVED]wishlist: no substation. :)

3 years ago

It'd be nice, for me, if I could have this generate the system without including a substation. I'd rather use my own power distribution placements, than have this resolve the issue for me. thx.

3 years ago

the problem with that is you wouldn't be able to access the circuit network within the entities. Is it just the wire that bugs you? Or is it the supply area?

3 years ago

Ah. Supply area. I didn't see that limitation, though, so no problem that it isn't trivially solvable. :)

3 years ago

I can put a startup setting to remove the supply area but leave the substation in place. I don't know exactly when I'll get to it but that's a relatively easy addition.

3 years ago

Well, thank you. I appreciate that.

3 years ago

So in messing around with this idea a problem comes up, the invisible inserters don't have power. So the only 2 options I can think of would be to make them not require power to operate (seems kind of cheaty), or go through and make the sub station supply area only effect the machine footprint(decent amount of code work). Any thoughts or ideas?

3 years ago

Its is necessary to use exactly substation? If not, may you replace it with a wooden pole or a modified pole with a smaller supply area?

3 years ago

Unfortunately using a different entity won't make any difference as you can make a pole have the same size supply area as a sub station and vise versa.

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