Schmitt | Logicart Labels 🏷

Attach a rich text 'sticker' label to a logicart; Mainly copy of VehicleSticker mod by hyspeed but now supporting rich text

6 months ago


Version: 1.0.6
Date: 09.06.2024
  - Changed: Mod title harmonized with other mod titles from author "Schmitt"
Version: 1.0.5
Date: 04.06.2024
  - Changed: Added interface so that other mod scripts can call the auto-labeling function
Version: 1.0.4
  - Fixed: Error while running event LogicartLabels::on_init()
Version: 1.0.3
  - Added: When auto-assigning a rich text label with CTRL+ALT+R then not only the slots filters
  are visualized as icons inside the label but also the logicart itself gets painted in colors
  corresponding to the group filter of that car, meaning if a G1 filter is anywhere in the trunk
  slots, then the logicart gets painted black and so on. All colors:
    G1: Black
    G2: Gray 
    G3: Red
    G4: Yellow
    G5: Green
Version: 1.0.2
  - Fixed: Turning on/off ALT mode lead to an error when a labeled logicart was deleted before
  - Removed: Interface to add strings to random train waggons
Version: 1.0.1
  - Changed: Now only support logicarts (=cars) but not waggons anymore due to some bug regarding
  train waggons
Version: 1.0.0
  - Initial release
    Mod is a copy of original mod version 1.3.3
    so Thanks and Credits to user "hyspeed"!!
    I made the following changes to that users code:
    - Exchanged mod thumbnail graphic and mod description
    - Changed text scale to smaller scale
    - Changed that text does not scale with zoom anymore
    - Added a shortcut to automatically assign
      a label by visually listing the vehicle slot filters