Loader Furnace

New furnaces, fitted for loaders using; the smelting speed is the same as transport belt; supports standard (yellow), fast and express belts and loaders.

3 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

b [fixed] Loader?

4 years ago

Could you tell me where the "loader" part is located in the crafting menu? I cant seem to find it anywhere and this is stopping me from making the loader furnaces. Not sure if its a bug not making it appear or not. Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask. I loaded into sandbox to try and see if I could find it there with all research unlocked but no luck.

Thank you

4 years ago

Hmm, thanks for report, there was a problem by update. I need to fix it.

4 years ago

The loader will be enabled by logistic technologies.

4 years ago

Where would I be able to find it in the crafting menu? I see it in the tech tree but can not locate it to craft it. Also tried in sandbox.

4 years ago



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