Loader Furnace

New furnaces, fitted for loaders using; the smelting speed is the same as transport belt; supports standard (yellow), fast and express belts and loaders.

3 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

b krastorio 10X Steel recipe is wrong

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

love this mod for the UPS savings... at firstI though it was a little OP but then started hitting the UPS wall :(

Not sure who maintains this recipe, but the load 10X steel recipe for Krastorio is wrong.
The recipe uses 10X of the input materials of the normal recipe but produced 100X of the steel
also it's missing the usual 10x icon overlay.

so the normal recipe is 10 iron + 2 coke -> 5 steel
the 10X recipe is 100 iron + 20 coke -> 500 steel

If this is in Krastorio though I'll update them about it. thanks

4 years ago

Thanks for report! Can you please provide the screenshot of this recipe by your inventory?

4 years ago

sure once I figure out how to attach the images and post them inline I'll have them here
can I see this thread in the forums where they have the fuller version of posting? I'll check now

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Here are 3 images trimmed to save size a little...
sorry not sure how to make them appear inline.
the img tag from the forums isn't working in this

4 years ago

Without spaces:

! [Any text] (img url)

4 years ago

thanks, markdown it is I guess
google drive doesn't like to be a free image host I guess, so imgur it is too...
that enough image-wise?

4 years ago

This blue text says that here was 4 changings, but no change from this mod.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

So, just this mods, cannot reproduce:

Try to disable one-by-one mods and check witch mod makes this multiplication.

It must be something like https://mods.factorio.com/mod/BigResult

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

that's the wrong recipe or it's some other mod i guess adding the extra recipes?
Which I guess is what you're saying.
So I'll go check some of the likely ones.

It's not the one you mentioned because the time to make is increased as well rather than reduced.
Whichever mod it is adds that 2nd tier of recipes just for the furnaces
they require 10x the materials, product 10x the product, and take 10x as long....
But in this one case it is 100x the product.

4 years ago

Mz another mod, 5xProduction makes such multiplication, more ingredients, more result and more time.
Here is something else. Can you provide the empty save game for mods sync?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

It must be https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Load-Furn, the name of recipe is from this mod.

In the settings you can increase energy consumption, as well as there is a “Cheat mod” which adds recipes for furnaces * 10, increases the speed of crafting stoves, unlocks performance modules for recipes and beacon effects.

4 years ago

ugh so sorry about this.... the mod's file name is load-furn so I searched for loader furnace
but it's the actually the advanced furnace
oh man what a pain
but thank you for that catch and sorry again

4 years ago

No problem! The Load-Furn (Advanced Furnaces) was based on this my mod with some tweaks.

Why you have chosen the Load-Furn, but not Loader Furnace?

4 years ago

no particular reason, I use the mod in general to save UPS though by having 1 entity do the work of a bunch of others.
I'll take a look at yours though now too

New response