Loader Furnace

New furnaces, fitted for loaders using; the smelting speed is the same as transport belt; supports standard (yellow), fast and express belts and loaders.

3 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

g guide on how to use

8 years ago

so can you explain to us how this works

8 years ago

You need one loader for loading iron ore ore copper ore, one furnace from this mod and the one loader for unloading (press R for reverse loader to unloader).

It can be overpowered, you are need protect it, see forum https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=29188

Loaders are hidden vanilla and don't need any scripting. First furnace had speed and power coefficient = 42. It is the same speed like the double sided yellow transport belt.

8 years ago

i cant get the loader loading ores into furnance, no matter from which direction i try :(.. Can U give a exacter eplanation, how to set up it correctly?
I only manage to UNLOAD the furnance with a loader

8 years ago

Can you make a screenshot of your trying? Normally it works by itself, but you must protect it from overloading.

8 years ago

Can you make a screenshot of your trying? Normally it works by itself, but you must protect it from overloading.

8 years ago

You are forget about unloaders. (key R on loader)


8 years ago

Wouldn't it have been easier to tell the player having trouble that flat side must go against object to be loaded/unloaded and side with belt pointing away? Then they can change the flow direction by the R key.

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