Advanced Furnaces

by badway

Adds 5 furnaces whose crafting speed depends on the transport-belt speed * 3.2. Energy consumption and pollution is appropriate. In the settings, you can increase energy consumption. Сan work with other mods for example angelssmelting, bobplates, PY, IndustrialRevolution. Language en, ru, de, fi.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

b [fixed]Wrong graphics for belts that are going down

6 years ago

they currently go to the right.

6 years ago

I also just noticed, I wonder, in the 0.16 version it was the same, or is it because of the changes made in the 0.17 version)
Just thought it was strange that no one wrote)

6 years ago

Version: 0.2.1
Date: 06. 03. 2019.
- Correction of transport-belt graphics

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