Advanced Furnaces 2 SpaceAgeFix

Adds 5 furnaces whose crafting speed depends on the transport-belt speed * 3. Energy consumption and pollution is appropriate. In the settings, you can increase energy consumption. Сan work with other mods for example angelssmelting, bobplates, PY, IndustrialRevolution. fixed bad code and angelssmelting. added Bio Industries stuff. please report bugs or ideas. Language en, ru, de, fi, br.

21 days ago

b Crash on place to unload train wagon.

3 months ago

Error while running event Load-Furn-2-SpaceAgeFix::on_tick (ID 0)
Invalid ItemID: expected LuaItemPrototype, LuaItemStack, LuaItem or string.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'insert_at_back'
Load-Furn-2-SpaceAgeFix/control.lua:106: in function 'wagon_transfer'
Load-Furn-2-SpaceAgeFix/control.lua:269: in function <Load-Furn-2-SpaceAgeFix/control.lua:266>

I placed a Mk3 loader to unload a train wagon and instant crash.

3 months ago

Hi, can you tell me what mod you used? where is Mk3 loader comes from?
I just tested, and both builtin loader and aai-loader works.
and I encourage you to use these loaders. since the code of loader part was a pain to look at. :(

3 months ago

I used your loader as evidenced by the script error I posted above.
I removed aai loaders from the server.

I believe the error is because your loaders do not auto-switch when placed properly. So if you place them backwards the script throws an error perhaps?

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

it doesn't seems like auto switch problem. the code are here
i just checked the document. and seems the function get_contents() is changed after 2.0 update. so it now returns a dictionary with name, count and quality.
so the code doesn't work. However, before the change, in 1.1 it also returns a dictionary but with name and count. so the code shouldn't work initially. and I don't think this will fix the problem. because now it has quality, so every time we remove any item or insert the item, we should include the quality. in the code it doesn't. this may require a massive code change. that not the only problem, every time we remove the items we should also include amount, and I don't see this in the code. so I have no Idea how the code runs. it is difficult to read and I don't want to play with it right now. so.. I think you can ignore the loader in this mod right not. p.s. I don't know why a furnace mod should have loaders inside. its better if you can have another mod that only deal with loaders. (the code is not mine, I adapt this to 2.0, mainly because I want to use the furnace, I had a hard time reading the code for loader so I have it turned off and use other mod for loader)

3 months ago

yeah, I would agree about removing the loaders/new belt levels in this mod as there are other mods that JUST add those. This mod should focus on making the furnaces the best they can be.
I do like that coal recipe, so def keep that in (as well as the option to disable it)

3 months ago

sure i will keep that.

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