Lighted Electric Poles +

by Optera

Adds a copy of every electric pole, including modded ones, with integrated lamp.

1 year, 4 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

b [Not a Bug] Can't plan upgrade from substation to lighted substation

10 months ago

I've really been liking this mod, greatly preferring the lighted poles over needing to spam individual lamps everywhere. However, there's one problem I've been running into that I didn't see otherwise brought up.

As stated in the title, upgrade planners do not recognize Lighted Substation as an upgrade from Substation. I'm playing with Space Exploration and there are a bunch of other things that are seen as options, none of which I'm anywhere close to having the tech to use. Lighted Substations simply do not show up on the picker when I'm trying to assign a slot on an upgrade planner, whether or not I have something in the other slot. If I place a normal substation and try to use an upgrade planner on it, it goes to one of the pylons.

Here's an upload of my factorio-current.log in case it's needed/helpful:

10 months ago

Tested LEP+ 1.10.1 with SE 0.6.130, Lighted Substation shows up as upgrade option.
It just fails to automatically select it as upgrade.

PS: All other poles also work fine too.

10 months ago
(updated 10 months ago)

Sorry for the delayed response on this.

All my mods are up to date (including LEP+ 1.10.1 and SE 0.6.130), and the Lighted Substation does not appear on the Upgrade Planner's selection list at all for me. The other lighted poles are there just fine, but the Lighted Substation itself is just not on the list, either as before or after. It's not a matter of it not defaulting that brings me here; I almost never trust the default upgrade planner. But I can't get the Lighted Substation involved in the process at all.

Screenshot of the picker, starting from a blank slot:

And when the Substation is chosen as the upgrade-from item:

For good measure, an updated factorio-current.log taken from the same session as those screenshots, just now, to be sure nothing relevant changed with mod updates over the past week (though I don't think any mods needed updating):

Edit - found the problem mod: Will direct this towards that instead.

10 months ago

Thanks for finding the mod responsible.

space-exploration-substation-replacement changes fast_replaceable_group in data_final_fixes.
LEP+ operates one stage earlier in data_updates. I'm not going to add a final_fixes stage just for fixing stuff other mods break.

6 months ago
(updated 6 months ago)

Upgrades from regular poles don't work at all for me. Either at blueprint editor or using the planner over existing buildings. Is this expected? I have very few mods, no big stuff like SE.
Also using the latest version of everything.

5 months ago

Nevermind, I just learned we can create customized upgrade/downgrade blueprints. With that I can apply upgrades of regular poles to lighted ones.

New response