Lighted Electric Poles +

by Optera

Adds a copy of every electric pole, including modded ones, with integrated lamp.

1 year, 1 month ago
0.15 - 1.1

i Mod Exclusion Request

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I know you've done it before with some circuit only poles some mods were adding but I seem to recall you did it by excluding poles without copper wire or something (which this one has) and not the specific mod...

Concrete Lamppost ( seems to be getting built on a power pole so your mod is making a lighted version of it...bit redundant.


PS. I think I asked about this several months ago but don't recall seeing an answer: any way to get a circuit enabled version so we can control the lamp's on/off state and color? I'm assuming difficult if not impossible because the base entity is the pole not the lamp, but thought I'd ask anyway.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

From changelog:

Version: 1.6.0
Date: 2020-08-26
- pole blacklist is now a comma separated string setting

Circuit control for lamps would be a lot of work for lackluster result.
Adding red and green wires between lamp and pole is rather simple, but having a global setting for enabled/ use color would be as good as it gets.
PS: If poles are not connected by circuit wires it would also create 2 circuit networks per lighted pole potentially cutting into game performance.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

You mind dropping the attitude and taking 5 seconds to actually explain that? I see the setting now, but what do I use for the name, the pole? The mod? Which version of the name do I use and how do I find it? Looking at the other names in the list my assumption is I need it's "code" name and not the one I would find in-game, but a lot of people wouldn't even know there was a difference...pretend I'm one of them.

As someone who struggles with the same thing in my own field of expertise, not everyone knows as much as you do. Believe it or not there are people that just want to play the game and have fun and don't understand or want to understand all the stuff the happens in the background. Have a little patience with them instead of being so dismissive.

PS. Keep your opinions to yourself and just comment on the actual issues. Just because you think being able to control the lamp would have lackluster results doesn't mean I do. I do a lot with circuit controlled lamps, turning on lights when conditions are met like a train is at a station rather than at night and using color around my base with Dectorio's Glow Lamps and now the base game fixing the glow so it matches the selected lamp color. I thought it might be nice to be able to control the lighted poles too. You make really good mods which I generally like, but you don't have a monopoly on how to play the game and yet you frequently comment on people's ideas as if you were the end-all-be-all of what Factorio should be.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

(Double clicked submit)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

1) The blacklist requires internal pole names. LEP+ lists all poles by internal name during startup, just check factorio-current.log for lines like this [LEP+] Created lighted-small-electric-pole; light size = 40 and remove the lighted- prefix.

2) I told you the shortcomings of a potential implementation. I don't see how that's just my opinion, perhaps you should take your own advice, since that reply was very opinionated.
Just because it's good enough for you doesn't mean the next guy doesn't ask for a way to control conditions for every single lamp, at which point I might as well just make a lamp which doesn't collide with poles so players can place those themselves however they want.

PS: I do this for "fun" in my free time. Why shouldn't I only care about my opinion.

4 years ago

I understand the technical problems (not sure I agree with the performance side given how many circuit networks an average game produces to start with, but based on your mods you clearly have a better understanding of the potential impacts than I do and I understand it) and I even understand if it's just not something you want to do based on your is your mod. You should care though because you've chosen to make publicly available mods (and good ones as I've said, particularly LTN) and that brings with it a certain level of responsibility to the user base. You can develop it based only on your opinions all you want, but it doesn't mean you have to treat other people's opinions like trash when they don't line up with yours, something I've seen you do many times. Maybe you don't mean it that way, but again, as someone who struggles with it myself at times, it comes off that way the way you phrase things sometimes.

Anyway, thanks. I'll see if I can find that log file.

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