Lighted Electric Poles +

by Optera

Adds a copy of every electric pole, including modded ones, with integrated lamp.

1 year, 4 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

b Unexpected behaviour when draging power poles

4 years ago

I would normally drag a new power pole by first clicking (and hold) on the existing pole and then dragging it out. Up to the 1.0 version, it placed the next pole in the maximum distance. This was very handy in that you do not have to measure the distance where to place the first pole. The same method I use when placing underground pipes.

Starting from 1.1.0, the same method first inserts the new pole just next to the old one before resorting to the normal dragging algorithm. This change only affects the lighted poles, normal vanilla ones behave correctly.

3 years ago

Base game mechanic.

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