Lighted Electric Poles +

by Optera

Adds a copy of every electric pole, including modded ones, with integrated lamp.

1 year, 4 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

i wishlist: exclude "Integrated Circuit" and "Circuitissimo" circuit wire poles from LEP+

4 years ago

The "Integrated Circuit" and "Circuitissimo" mods both add circuit wire poles, which both are "show copper wires" false; it'd be nice to have them excluded -- they are not really "power" poles in that sense.

I did wonder if the right thing to do was exclude any power pole with "show copper wires" set false; seems like a hint that they are not power-related some way or other.

I understand if you don't find that justified, of course.

4 years ago

Poles without copper wires can't power lamps. Sounds very reasonable to me.

4 years ago

I was just going to say the same thing, specifically for the circuit only poles in Integrated Circuitry. My bigger request and the reason I came over today, if it is possible, was to ask about getting the circuit network connections for the integrated lamps so one could turn them on or off based on a circuit condition like say a train is at a station. Of course what I ultimately really want to do is be able to change color in keeping with Dectorio's Glow Lamps...don't know if it is possible to make a Glow Lamp version of the poles...could be getting to be a bit much with the extra entities that would create.

4 years ago

Sorry, I forgot to release this change.

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