Landfill Painting

Adds some different types of terrain landfill. Allows landfill to overwrite existing terrain

1 year, 3 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

b [Fixed]Conflict with SE

4 years ago

Space exploration uses layers 14 and 15 to facilitate space\spaceship collision. Your mod adding layer 15 to all player placed tiles breaks it.
If you could add an exception for tiles that start with 'se-', it should fix it.

1 year, 3 months ago

Fixed in 0.5.3! Sorry for the delay

1 year, 3 months ago

still conflicting I'm afraid <:(

1 year, 3 months ago

From what I understand, you use get_first_unused_layer in data, but don't add it to any collision mask. The way that function works is that it checks all the prototypes in the game, and checks if they have it. Since you didn't use it for any collision mask, it didn't get reserved properly.
Either add it to something, ANTHING, right away, or move that entire logic to the same stage where you actually apply it.

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