Landfill Everything deprecated

Thanks to new Factorio 2.0 QoL improvements, this is a functionality in the game itself. No need for a mod to add landfill anymore. Thank you all This mod adds a button that will put a landfill tile under every entity if you have a blueprint in hand. Very useful for complex reactor setups and blueprinting rail.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g LandfillPainting mod compatibility

3 years ago

Hi! I'm the current dev for the Sea Block pack, including the Landfill Painting mod. People were asking on the Sea Block reddit about modifying your mod to use the landfill tiles created by Landfill Painting.

Do you have your source code on GitHub? I can submit a pull request to add compatibility with Landfill Painting. I've already finished making the changes required.

Alternatively, I'm happy to help out with the maintenance of this mod if you add me as a collaborator.

3 years ago

Hey @KiwiHawk,

I love the SeaBlock mod and would love to have support for it on this mod.
I've recently published the code on GitHub. Your PRs are welcome.

2 years ago

Would it be easier to use instead, since it lets you choose whatever tile you like?

New response