LTN Combinator Modernized

Add a combinator with friendly GUI to manage LTN Control Signals for each LTN Train Stop

16 days ago
1.0 - 2.0
Trains Circuit network

b [Fixed] Blueprints don't work

1 year, 10 months ago

In the new version, combinator build from blueprint, or copy-paste doesn't work. The common signal and the custom signal are setup, but the signal from the requester or providers sections (thresholds, etc) go to the default values. The checkbox indicating requester and providers doesn't work either!
The rotate from distance (after some robot do the rotation) also reset this signals (checkbox and requester/provider signals).


1 year, 10 months ago

Fixed for next release.

This was a problem with the migration. Some information wasn't populated completely. Depending on disable at build time settings, thresholds could be lost.

1 year, 10 months ago

My game is configured to disable all combinators!
The new version "2.0.1" appears to be working now when copy-paste or blueprints... But the rotate at distance is erasing the configuration!

It's not possible to use the on/off of the combinator to do this logic?

1 year, 10 months ago

What is the rotate at distance. Is that from another mod? If that is from remote-configuration, there are some incompatibilities. The author of that mod had mentioned adding an opt out call, but it doesn't exist yet. The alternaive is marking it incompatible, but the the two mods couldn't be used in the same game.

No, you wouldn't wan't to use the on/off capabilities of the combinator. As I have mentioned in the other thread you started, turning the combinator "Off" means NO signals will be sent in to the station. No train limits, no train lenght limits, no network id, etc... Your requester with 100K of ore on hand now become a provider because you are not sending in a high provide threshold.

In order to tell LTN not to generate deliveries for a station a high request/provide threshold needs to be sent in to the LTN input. Therfore the LTN Combinator needs to be ON.

1 year, 10 months ago

I don't think it's from remote configuration. When in map view, I press "R" on a combinator to rotate it. When the character are far away, the robots go there rotate the combinator!


1 year, 10 months ago

Send me a sve that this is happening in. I'll need to see what mods you have going. I'm pretty sure that is something coming from a mod.

1 year, 10 months ago

Send me a sve that this is happening in. I'll need to see what mods you have going. I'm pretty sure that is something coming from a mod.

1 year, 10 months ago

Yep, the remote rotation comes from the RemoteConfiguration mod. Remove that mod and the problem goes away. There is some currently some incompatibilty there. I did point out in the changelog that RemoteConfiguration may not play nicely:

- Able to open and paste settings from map and long distance (treat like a train station).
Note: may interact poorly with RemoteConfiguration Mod.

If that mod author provides a method of opting out of that mods services I'll be able to do so. I may be able to add some more compatability in the future.

1 year, 10 months ago

I read this, but I have no idea that rotation is provided by that mod! I think that remote configuration only allows us to enable/disable, open, edit signals, etc. Rotation is made by robots because of this I was thinking that is a default behaviour!


1 year, 10 months ago


Looks like there is some vanilla reaction to rotation as well. I am looking at this closer and will get this addressed.

New response