LTN Combinator

Adds a new type of Constant Combinators to the game. They come with a custom GUI to ease the control of LTN signals.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18
Circuit network

b Can't open GUI

5 years ago

When I try to open the GUI nothing happends an I get an "Player#1 is not initialized" message.
(I wanted to test using the LTN Comb. (V. 0.2)on an runnung savegame with LTN 1.10.4 with LTN Tracker 0.9.7)

5 years ago

I need more information. Is it a new savegame, scenario or multiplayer? What are the steps to reproduce it?


5 years ago

Looks like 0.2.1 fixed it.
It's been an solo freeplay ruffly 100h in on 0.17-"latest beta"
I tryed multiple times placing the modded comb.over an vanilla one (connected to an LTN-Stop) and by itselve.
I wasn't able to open the GUI, by clicken the comb and the LTN-Tracker-Link.
Looks like it's working fine by now.
Thanks for the quick responde !

5 years ago

Ok, let me know if that problem happens again.

Btw, LTN-T can only find and open a LTN-Combinator if there is a red or green wire connection between the comb. and the stop.

New response