Long Range Turret

by Yehn

Provides research to unlock a mid tier turret between basic gun turrets and lasers: Longer range and greater durability, but at the cost of much slower traverse speed and fire rate.

4 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

b [fixed] Bug after upgrading to 0.18.4

5 years ago

After upgrading Factorio to 0.18.4 I´m getting an error trying to load the mod.
The error is:
Failed to load mods LR_Turret/data.lua:5 LR_Turret/prototypes/entity/lr_turret_entity.lua:456: attemt to call global 'make_heavy_gunshot_sounds' (a nil value)
I have to disable the mod to make the game launch.
I tried uninstalling the mod and downloading it again, but the error still pops up.

5 years ago

"sound = make_heavy_gunshot_sounds(),"
"sound = sounds.heavy_gunshot,"

5 years ago

Still getting an error, a bit different though:
... /prototypes/entity/lr_turret_entity.lua:456: attemt to index global 'sounds' (a nil value)
Something else I need to change, or is the mod in need of bigger work due to 0.18.4?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Had to replace the entire "sound = sounds.heavy_gunshot," with
sound = {
filename = "base/sound/fight/heavy-gunshot-1.ogg",
volume = 0.9
Not sure if they changed something in 0.18.4 to make this a thing, but it works for me, so I'll run with it.

5 years ago


Thanks for reporting this. Sorry for the delay, had a busy week. I was able to confirm and reproduce the bgu with 0.18.4 - You are right, it has to do with how sound handling has been changed. I think I'll have time to get a mainstream fix uploaded today, though I'm glad you've found a fix in the meantime.

New response