Long Range Turret

by Yehn

Provides research to unlock a mid tier turret between basic gun turrets and lasers: Longer range and greater durability, but at the cost of much slower traverse speed and fire rate.

4 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

b Double Dipping on Damage Modifier?

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

The long-range gun turret is receiving the gun turret damage bonus twice, cumulatively, making its DPS grow faster than the vanilla gun turret to the point it eventually overtakes the original.

For example: if you have bullets with 8 damage and you have a bullet damage increase of 80% and a gun turret damage increase of 120%, you get the following damage values:

Gun Turret: 8x1.8x2.2 = 31.68 x10/s = 316.8 DPS
Long Range Turret: 8x1.8x2.2x2.2 = 69.696 x6/s = 418.176 DPS

The long range turret also receives no other damage modifiers, meaning if you have no gun turret damage upgrades researched, it has the same damage as the vanilla gun turret, which is contrary to the description on the information page.

6 years ago

Thanks for letting me know, I'm looking into this.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Hi thereaverofdarkness,

So far I'm not able to reproduce the issue on 0.16.45. I loaded up a test game and used console commands to research all technology. On loading a vanilla turret with yellow ammo, the DPS value is 942.5 (25/s fire rate, 37.7 damage per bullet) DPS. On loading a turret from this mod with yellow ammo, the DPS came out to 904.8 DPS (15/s fire rate, 60.32 damage per bullet).

With no technology researched, the vanilla gun turret comes to 50 DPS (10/s fire rate, 5 damage per bullet), while LR turret comes out to 48 DPS (6/s fire rate, 8 damage per bullet). Once more, this is using yellow ammo.

All of these numbers are the expected result.

First, please check that the mod is up to date. If you're still experiencing the issue, could you send me the save game file?


6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

After doing another damage upgrade and some rigorous calculations, I guess I was mistaken about the numbers. I'm not sure why, I distinctly recall watching the long range turret DPS climb up over time to meet with the short range turrets. But for whatever reason it is working correctly at this time.

Sorry to bother you.

Part of what is confusing about it is that the long range turret says "Damage bonus: +80% x2" instead of "Damage bonus: +60%".

6 years ago

Oh! Yeah, the in UI damage bonus is really weird and unintuitive. No worries, hope you're liking the mod.

New response