LD Auto Circuit

This mod will automatically string red and green wire from long distance poles to other long distance poles that already have circuit wire going to them. In 0.17 it uses a shortcut toggle (like the roboport toggle) to turn it on and off.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

i Unwired pole

5 years ago

Maybe add function to define what wires will be used? for example only green (without power and red)

5 years ago

Hmm... I wouldn't be able to configure that with just a shortcut button though.

5 years ago

Maybe add more buttons hidden? Or switch to unwired?

5 years ago

So, there's 8 possible wiring states. Because you can wire (or not wire) each of 3 different kinds of wire. There's also the question of whether or not you want different wiring to different available poles. I'm not really sure how to make an interface for deciding that that's intuitive and reasonable.

5 years ago

Keyboard shortcuts? SHIFT, ALT, CTRL? Or use key states - CapsLock, NumLock, ScrolLock? These Keys are unusable ingame, so you can use it when mod is active (by toolbar icon)

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