Provides core functionality for Kuxynator's mods. ----------------------------------------------- MPORTANT! Do not update if it is not required. If you update it too early you will have to wait until dependent mods are also updated!.
Lua libraries for use by other mods and submods that are parts of a larger mod.
Version: 3.15.4 WIP Features: - add ItemData.setStacksize
Version: 3.15.3 Features: - add Storage.check() - check if `storage` contains funktions - add AsyncTask class - Functions for handling long-running things over multiple ticks - add global functions set_1 ... set_9, set_n and global vars _1 ... _9, _n - add Storage.check() - check if `storage` contains functions - add KuxCoreLib.__version - the version of the library (corresponds to the mod version) Changes: - Trace does not use _G.trace_isEnabled anymore use Trace.isEnabled instead - Trace.isEnabled is false by default (trace_isEnabled was true)
Version: 3.15.2 Features: - global getPlayer, getSurface, getForce, getPlayerName, getSurfaceName, getForceName
Version: 3.15.1 Features: - add RadarData.calcEnergyByScanTime - SelectionTool (WIP) Changes: - Player.getZoomFactor returns 1 if interfacxe Kux-Zooming is not available
Version: 3.15.0 Changes: - KuxCoreLib.PrototypeData.Extend extended for all prototypes Bugfixes: - Change the order of event registration. fixes Factorissimo get_factory_by_entity
Version: 3.14.4 Changes: - make ModInfo unprotected and add a protect() function - EventDistributor spports on_space_platform_built_entity, on_space_platform_mined_entity
Version: 3.14.3 Features: - Player: add zoom, controller_type - add Events.on_next_tick Changes: - Factorissimo.getToplevelSurface - Trace.getIdentifier: add unit number
Version: 3.14.2 Bugfixes: - another false warnung fixed "Area for Position not found in package.loaded"
Version: 3.14.1 Bugfixes: - false warnung fixed "Area for Position not found in package.loaded"
Version: 3.14.0 Features: - include stdlib with fixes and compatibility for Factrorio 2.0
Version: 3.13.1 Features: - add KuxCoreLib.Freeplay (wrapper for 'freeplay' remote interface) Bugfixes: - Fix Factorissimo.isFactoryFloor - Fix Inserter class
Version: 3.13.0 Features: - add is_obj(any,object_name) Changes: - force to overwrite global vars in each (sub-)stage, this fixes an issue that other mod overwrites my global vars - protect my classes from accidental changes
Version: 3.12.2 Bugfixes: - FlyingText.create() Fix Factorio 2.0 compatibility
Version: 3.12.1
Version: 3.12.0 Features: - add PlayerStorage (use KuxCoreLib.PlayerStorage) - add @class PlayerData - add Timer (use KuxCoreLib.Timer) [proof of concept] - add @class TimerData - add Flags.toDictionary :: converts a string[] to a dictionary
Version: 3.11.5 Bugfixes: - Fix Factorissimo.isFactoryFloor
Version: 3.11.4 Features: - Add ModInfo.version Changes: - Bugfixes: - Fix Factorio 2.0 compatibility
Version: 3.11.3 Changes: - Fix Factorio 2.0 compatibility
Version: 3.11.2 Changes: - add `lib/mod-base` - add global vars: _G.mod (=script_active_mods), _G.isV1, _G.isV2 - Factorio 2.0 compatibility code
Version: 3.11.1 Date: 2024-10-21 Features: - add Factorissimo.isAvailable() Changes: - Use of `(global or storage)` as a temporary fix Bugfixes: - Fix a crash in Factorissimo.isFactoryFloor if Factorissimo mod is not available. Info: - push to Factorio 2.0
Version: 2.11.0 Date: 2024-01-17 Features: - Add GuiElementCache
Version: 2.10.0 Date: 2023-11-16 Features: - Add ElementBuilder (use KuxCoreLib.GuiBuilder.ElementBuilder) - Add GuiHelper Bugfixes: - Fix loading GuiBuilder
Version: 2.9.6 Date: 2023-11-12 Features: - ADD DataGrid
Version: 2.9.5 Date: 2023-11-06 Features: - Trace.getIdentifier - Table.getKeysFilterByValue - Factorissimo: getFactory, getToplevelFactory
Version: 2.9.4 Date: 2023-11-03 Features: - EntityData/ItemData/RecipeData/TechnologyData: NEW field 'base' returns the base prototype
Version: 2.9.3 Date: 2023-11-02 Bugfixes: - Fix missing Trace.mock
Version: 2.9.2 Date: 2023-10-28 Features: - Trace: defines_name, defines_displayname, exit Changes: - Trace: color Bugfixes: - Fix CollisionMaskData not found
Version: 2.9.1 Date: 2023-10-13 Features: - ADD CollisionMaskData - ADD Trace color - ADD Trace warning, error Changes: - some Factorissimo member changed/removed Bugfixes: - FIX Table.countNonNumericKeys - FIX Table.count
Version: 2.9.0 Features: - ADD Factorissimo a Factorissimo API - ADD SurfacesMod a Surfaces API - ADD Events.on_custom_input - ADD PrototypeData.extend Bugfixes: - FIX naming in SettingsData.extend
Version: 2.8.3 Bugfixes: - FIX a bug in Settingsdata.extend (wrong prefix)
Version: 2.8.2 Features: - ADD PickerDollies support (optional) - ADD Events.on_entity_moved (using PickerDollies) - ADD Events.getDisplayName, registerName (alias for same functions in EventDistributor)
Version: 2.8.1 Features: - ADD ModInfo.isModLoaded - ADD ErrorHandler
Version: 2.8.0 Date: 2023-08-29 Features: - ADD class Trace - ADD class Events - ADD EventDistributor: register_on_timer, unregister_on_timer - ADD SettingsData.extend Bugfixes: - FIX a bug in safeget
Version: 2.7.3 Date: 2023-07-27 Features: - ADD BigData Bugfixes: - WORKAROUND keep on_nth_tick registered
Version: 2.7.2 Date: 2023-07-20 Features: - ADD AnimationData Changes: - EventDistributor.register accepts array for eventIdentifier Bugfixes: - FIX handler for CustomInput events
Version: 2.7.1 Date: 2023-07-11 Changes: - rename 'global' into 'storage', resp. all other 'Global...' names into "Storage...'
Version: 2.7.0 Date: 2023-07-10 Features: - ADD ModInfo - ADD Debug: getExecutingMod, getCallingMod, getEntryMod - ADD Technology - ADD GuiBuilder - ADD Global (Storage in >= 2.7.1) - ADD GlobalPlayer (StoragePlayer in >= 2.7.1) - ADD GlobalPlayers (StoragePlayers in >= 2.7.1) - ADD lua: safegetOrCreate - ADD String: join - ADD Flags Changes: - Assert renamed to That (breaking changes) - Assert complaints like in NUnit - all modules are initialized local first (breaking changes) - so every one has the choice now, where modules are visible - NOTE for existing mods: check the visibilitty. require(__Kux-CoreLib__/lib/module) is not global anymore! - documentation updated Bugfixes: - Make some file extensions lowercase
Version: 2.6.1 Date: 2023-06-29 Bugfixes: - FIX a error with Table that was accidentally local by default
Version: 2.6.0 Date: 2023-06-28 Features: - ADD class DataRaw - ADD class EntityData - ADD class ItemData - ADD class PrototypeData - ADD class RecipeData - ADD class TechnologyData - ADD class TechnologyIndex - AAD artifical event 'on_built', 'on_destroy' - ADD class Path - ADD String.escapeTable - ADD Table.append, Table.stats, Table.removeAt, Table.move, Table.removeGaps - Add lua: anypairs(t) Changes: - String.split add second parameter - List:insert parmeters swapped (breaking changes!) - safeget,safeset now accepts path string ("") - existing external Log modules wil be overriden! Bugfixes: - FIX a bug in Table.remove - FIX a bug in String.escape, '/' was not escaaped
Version: 2.5.3 Date: 2023-06-07 Bugfixes: - FIX Version
Version: 2.5.2 Date: 2023-06-01 Features: - ADD EventDistributor: registerName, getDisplayName
Version: 2.5.1 Date: 2023-05-31 Features: - Table.migrate: - ADD parameter versionField - auto detect versionField "dataVersion", "version"
Version: 2.5.0 Date: 2023-05-27 Features: - ADD Dictionary, List - ADD Table.isNilOrEmpty - UPD prototypeUtils - UPD Version Optimizations: - EventDistributor Bugfixes: - Table.toJson()
Version: 2.4.1 Date: 2023-05-15 Features: - ADD Version.baseVersionGreaterOrEqual1d1 Changes: - add mod.lua
Version: 2.3.0 Date: 2023-05-11 Features: - ADD Table.diff, Table.removeEmptyTablesRecursive, Table.toJson - ADD String.isNilOrEmpty, String.isNilOrWhitespace
Version: 2.2.0 Features: - ADD ColorConverter
Version: 2.1.0 Date: 2020-11-24 Info: - v2.x.x scheme is for Factorio 1.1 (experimental)
Version: 1.1.0 Date: 2020-10-26 Features: - lib.Table NEW - getKeys - getValues - count - migrate - lib.Tools NEW - stringSplit - lib.TestRunner NEW - run - lib.lua - safeget - safeset Optimizations: - added tests Bugfixes: - fix Table.migrate. return value was nil - fix crash in Log on_init
Version: 1.0.2 Date: 2020-10-25 Bugfixes: - fix crash in Log.trace. > attempt to index upvalue 'data' (a nil value)
Version: 1.0.1 Date: 2020-10-23 Bugfixes: - fix crash in Log.onSettingsChanged
Version: 1.0.0 Date: 2020-10-21 Features: - Log - Modules - FlyingText - lua extension: iif, switch, try catch, Info: - firt public version