Kiith's Rebalance and Tweaks

A simple balance mod for improved personal experience. Published for easy usage by friends. Mainly focuses on enhanced versatility of modules, machines, and vehicles. Contains several optional tweaks and changes to other mods.

4 months ago
0.17 - 2.0


Version 1.1.0
    - Factorio 2.0
    - Corrected module prototype names (now efficiency instead of effectivity)
Version 1.0.32
    - Increased Fluid Isothermic Generator (SE) peak power output to 12 MW from 2 MW. No changes to efficiency, fluid consumption is still dependent upon the particular fluid.
    - Increased Vortik Cannon Turret minimum range to 16 to further reduce fratricide.
    - Narrowed Vortik Cannon Turret arcs to 120 degrees from 144 degrees
    - Reduced costs of crafting atomic bombs with K2 and SE back to K2 balance levels.
Version 1.0.31
    - Restored ability to use weapons in thruster suits (K2 + SE).
    - Restored ability to slot modules into various aircraft (SE + Aircraft/Space Shuttle + K2).
    - Allow Holmium Cable and Holmium Solenoids to be hand-crafted (SE). May potentially remove their crafting in electromagnetics facilities, but that's fine since they're vastly inferior to Space Manufactories anyway.
Version 1.0.30
    - Counteracted Space Exploration changes to Krastioro2 Loader Recipes, making them all able to be hand-crafted and far easier to hand-craft while still respecting progression checks and limitations.
      - Each Loader still honors the SE changes of being 1-1 with smaller loaders, but changes ingredient types to be hand-crafted (with the exception of Deep Space loaders) and reduces costs to be more economical, with no recipe requiring more than 10 units of any item or 100 units of any fluid.
    - Reduced significantly the energy required and increased the output of Electrolysis recipes made obtuse by Space Exploration
      - Ammonia recipe reduced back to K2 stock time of 5 seconds.
      - Water Separation and Water Electrolysis times reduced to K2 stock of 3 seconds.
      - Tweaked Water Separation to yield 60 Oxygen and 120 Hydrogen for the 60 Water Input
      - Tweaked Water Electrolysis to yield 60 Chlorine and 60 Hyrodgen for the 60 Water and 60 Sand inputs.
      - Tweaked Ammonia to yield 50 Ammonia for the 50 Nitrogen and 150 Hydrogen inputs.
      - Corrected Hydrogen Chloride to properly yield 50 HCl from 35.
      - Corrected Lithium Chloride to properly require 10 HCl from 25.
      - Corrected Lithium recipe to properly require 5 LiCl from 10.
      - Reduced Hydrogen Chloride recipe to 5 seconds.
    - Allows Efficiency modules in Electrolyzer recipes blocked by Space Exploration, because no one cares about using them to generate a meager amount of net power. We make rocket fuel to launch rockets, dangit.
    - Enhances the strength of robot speed upgrades with Space Exploration to combat the absolutely enormous factory constructions SE seems to require; Refactors all worker-robot speed upgrades to 60% per level. A reminder that these speed upgrades are additive and not multiplicative.
    - Improves the SE Fuel Refinery when K2 is present to make it more attractive in spite of its size and more complex logistics; Crafting Speed from 2 to 3.5, module slots from 4 to 5.
    - Improves the speed and handling of the Space Shuttle addon to Space Exploration. Space is big, and you should go fast.
Version 1.0.29
    - Addressed speed discrepancies with the AAI Big drill and the K2 drills, the former being much too slow to be a practical 'upgrade' to the Mk2 or even necessarily better than the standard drill for its footprint. Now has a base mining speed of 3 for its 25 occupied tiles compared to the 0.75 speed for the 9 tiles of the Mk2.
    - Similarly increased the speed of the Mk3 electric drill to 1.5 to make it a clear advancement from the Big drill.
    - Added localization names and descriptions for the Biomethanol to Methane conversion recipe.
Version 1.0.28
    - Added a fuel value (1 MJ) for Methane Gas (Space Exploration) and set pollution ratio to 50%.
    - Added a recipe to convert Biomethanol (Krastorio 2) to Methane Gas in K2's Fuel Refinery. Requires Hydrogen input and outputs steam. This allows the steam to be converted back to water and electrolyzed back to hydrogen and oxygen, ideally at the correct ratios if I've done my math right.
Version 1.0.27
    - Removed damage buffs for Vortik Cannon Turret in  as they were stacking oddly and resulting in vastly overpowered turrets.
    - Increased Radiation Lab's crafting speed (from 1 to 4) to enhance attractiveness of space-based uranium processing operations.
    - Increased Thermodynamics Lab's crafting speed (from 4 to 8) to enhance attractiveness of space-based baking operations.
Version 1.0.26
    - Increased Vitalic Acid recipe output by an order of magnitude (2 to 20); satisfying a 1-per-second science pack recipe shouldn't take _dozens_ of biochem labs for an intermediate resource. (SpaceEx)
    - Reduced Energy Requirement of Space Platform Plating to 6 from 30 (SpaceEx)
    - Reduced Solid Rocket Fuel requirement of Heavy Rockets to compensate for SpaceEx's changes to Rocket Fuel manufacture. (SpaceEx + Krastorio2)
    - Switches AAI Signal Transmitters and Receivers to primary-input energy to help alleviate brief losses of signal in brief blips of low power. (AAI Signal Transmission)
    - Greatly enhances the power output of the portable fission, fusion, and singularity generators to make them more attractive solutions to feeding personal laser weapons (Krastorio2)
    - Substantially reduces the ingredient requirements of Vitalic Reagent and Vitalic Epoxy and increases the manufacturing speed of Reagent by a factor of 6 (SpaceEx)
    - Fixed (hopefully) reliance on Krastorio2 for changes to SpaceEx's modules recipes and effects (SpaceEx)
    - Substantially reduced the ingredient requirements of Quantum Processors and sped up the production time for Superconducting Cable and Quantum Processors. (SpaceEx)
    - Increased power capacity and maximum fluid consumption of Gas Power Generators. (Krastorio2)
    - Reduced recipe requirements for Heavy Turret Rockets and Antimatter weaponry, reducing Rocket Fuel and removing Antimatter Canisters from recipes; Antimatter weapons instead require Magnetic Canisters and variable amounts of Antimatter Stream (Krastorio2 + SpaceEx)
    - Completely rebalances matter values and removes the "lossy" nature of SpaceEx's matter tweaks, eases introductory Matter science by increasing matter yield from Experimental Processing. (Krastorio2 + SpaceEx)
    - Adds recipe to convert common Core Fragments directly into matter (Krastorio2 + SpaceEx)
    - Adds recipe to convert Scrap directly into matter (Krastorio2 + SpaceEx)
    - Expands volume of pipes, pumps, and pipe-to-grounds, as well as for steel versions (Krastorio2 + SpaceEx)
Version 1.0.25
    - Fixed that the Vitamelange Spice Delivery Cannon recipe incorrectly required Vitamelange instead.
Version 1.0.24
    - Finally ran through and tweaked and rebalanced the numerous modules and module recipes from SpaceEx. Requires also Krastorio2 for now - I'll eventually separate module effects from recipes and make recipe tweaks for the modules without K2 since SpaceEx makes use of K2 resources and items when K2 is present. (SpaceEx + Krastorio2)
    - Module recipes all require the same items, but the ratios have been significantly reduced to better facilitate hand-crafting, especially of higher-tier modules. For instance, the first Speed Module still requires Solid Fuel, but only needs 5 instead of 50. Higher tier modules only ever require one science data catalog. (SpaceEx + Krastorio2)
    - Add Delivery Cannon recipes for Realistic Fusion Power's barrels of gas (SpaceEx + RFP)
    - Moderate tweaks to SpaceEx's changes to Imersium Processing, easing the production of Imersium Plate and Imersite Crystal (Krastorio2 + SpaceEx):
    - Increased output of Imersium Sulfide to 80 from 50
    - Reduced demand of Nitric Acid in Imersium Sulfide substantially to 4 per cycle from  16
    - Reduced byproduct of Nitrogen in Imersium Sulfide to 6 from 30
    - Reduced demand of Fine Imersite Powder in Imersium Plate to 8 from 32
    - Reduced demand of Rare Metals in Imersium Plate to 4 from 8
    - Reduced demand of Imersium Sulfide in Imersite Crystal to 20 from 40
    - Reduced byproduct of Sulfur in both Imersium Plate and Imersite Crystal to 1
Version 1.0.23
    - Added a technology and recipe enabling Imersium-based Delivery Cannon Capsules (SpaceEx + Krastorio2)
    - Expanded stack sizes of Vitamelange and Vitamelange Spice to 200, adjusted Delivery Cannon recipes to match increased stack size (Space Exploration)
    - Added ability to Delivery Cannon Vitamelange Extract and Vitalic Acid Barrels (SpaceEx)
    - Reduced Energy Requirement for Contaminated Scrap Decontamination recipe to 0.5 from 6 (SpaceEx)
    - Added support for custom stack sizes in barrel delivery recipes (hopefully) (SpaceEx).
Version 1.0.22
    - Reduced fluid volumes involved in base molten metal recipes (copper, iron, steel) by an order of magnitude. Ratios are preserved, but logistics are substantially easier. (SpaceEx)
    - Reduced energy requirement for Copper, Iron, and Steel casting recipes significantly so that far fewer casting machines are necessary in comparison to Industrial Furnaces. (SpaceEx)
    - Preserved differences in above recipes and ratioes when Krastorio2 is active. (SpaceEx)
Version 1.0.21
    - Added Delivery Cannon recipe for Liquid Rocket Fuel Barrels
Version 1.0.20
    - Addressed an oversight in Greenhouse recipes accidentally altering wood-growing to 10 from their normal quantities. (Krastorio2)
Version 1.0.19
    - Added a recipe to "condense" liquid rocket fuel back into solid rocket fuel (SpaceEx)
    - (Space Exploration) Restored ability to use "Kiln" recipes in Industrial Furnaces and Advanced Furnaces (Krastorio2)
    - (Space Exploration) Expanded raw Vulcanite and Cryonite stack sizes to 200 and effected appropriate changes in delivery cannons.
    - Corrected an issue in Delivery cannon recipes for some raw Space Exploration resources requiring the incorrect resource (Space Exploration)
Version 1.0.18
    - Corrected "Vulcanite" rocket fuel recipe to use new Pyroflux fluid, retaining corrections to Oxygen consumption (SpaceEx + Krastorio2)
    - "Fixed" Krastorio2 Tree-growing recipes and stack sizes; Tree items should have a stack size of 200, and the recipes should produce 10 items instead of 1, making them wood-neutral in terms of cost to harvest yield. (Krastorio2)
    - Fixed Ironclad equipment grids disappearing when AI versions are issued move orders (AAI Ironclad)
    - Still can't make Rocket Fuel stack larger than 10 items aaaaargh (SpaceEx)
    - Increased the Substation Mk2 Supply Area and Wire Reach to 32 tiles from 24, exactly half of the Pylon Substation of SpaceEx (Krastorio2)
Version 1.0.17
    - Added an equipment grid to the Ironclad (AAI-Vehicles Ironclad) when Krastorio 2 is active, equivalent to K2's Tank-type grid.
    - Added similar equipment grids to the AI-controlled versions of the Ironclad
    - Fixed the Ironclad's mortars not gaining damage bonuses from technology (gave similar damage bonuses to grenades)
Version 1.0.16
    - Added fuel and emissions values to Light and Heavy oils (Krastorio2)
    - Light Oil has more energy than Petroleum Gas, but is far more polluting.
    - Heavy Oil has more energy than Petroleum gas, less than Light Oil, and is very polluting.
Version 1.0.15
    - Increases the base power draw of the Repair Turret to 2.5 MW from 1 MW, allowing fewer total turrets for the same effect and also recharging bots faster. (Repair Turret)
Version 1.0.14
    - Refactored all belts to be more "clean" in terms of speed; 16, 32, and 64 for vanilla belts
    - Refactored K2 advanced and superior belts to carry 128 and 256 items per second, respectively. With this, it is recommended to change Space Exploration's Deep Space Belt speed to 256 as well.
    - The high rate of speed for these belts _may_ have an impact on UPS. However, I have not experienced much in the way of impact as long as these belts are used sparingly where needed and not for every single belt ever. In short, use the slowest belt necessary for the task and UPS should do fine.
    - Captured belt speed changes in Miniloaders and K2 loaders.
    - Captured belt speed changes to Space Exploration space belts, making them equivalent to Express belts at 64 items per second. Deep Space Belt speed exists in the configuration settings and doesn't need to be touched by me.
    - Extended space underground belt distance to 9 tiles.
    - Reduced crafting time of space belts, pipes, and platform scaffolds to 4 seconds from 10.
Version 1.0.13
    - Adds a Road to Fast Road conversion recipe (Transport Drones)
    - This recipe costs less (but not zero) Crude and Concrete and is mainly to facilitate upgrading large quantities of existing road.
Version 1.0.12
    - Expands Beryllium ore to 200 stacksize (SpaceEx)
    - Expands Holmium ore to 100 stacksize (SpaceEx)
    - Adjusts delivery cannon recipes to match (SpaceEx)
    - Removes space-crafting requirement for space-belts, space-pipes, and space-platform-scaffolds (SpaceEx)
Version 1.0.11
    - Removes alterations to Naquium Processing recipe for Space Exploration 0.6 since it no longer consumes mass volumes of vitalic acid.
    - Removes necessary stacksize alterations to Rocket Fuel in postprocess (both item and delivery cannon recipes), since Space Exploration flat-out refuses to load worlds with Rocket Fuel stacks larger than 10 (even though, with delivery cannon recipe changes, I've never once had an issue with rocket fuel stacksizes of 50)
Version 1.0.10
    - Adds Matter Processing recipes for Vitamelange and Naquium when both Space Exploration and Krastorio2 are active.
Version: 1.0.9
    - Improves Range, Fire rate, and response time of VortiK's Cannon turrets
    - Limits firing arcs of VortiK's cannon turrets to limit wall/turret fratricide
    - Allows for eight-way placement of VortiK's cannon turrets
    - Improves projectile prediction and projectile velocity for VortiK's cannon turrets.
Version: 1.0.8
    - Adds equipment grids from K2 to seagoing vessels from Cargo Ships: Locomotive grids to both Boat and Ship Engine, and Cargo-Wagon grids to Cargo Ship and Oil Tanker hulls. 
    - Improves Biomatter yield (30 per cycle from 5) when using Krastorio2 in conjunction with Space Exploration to offset the high demand for Fertilizer without having to resort to hundreds of biolabs. Respects fluid and crafting energy values.
    - Enhances the Mk 2 RTG from K2 to produce substantially more power (2280kW) based on material requirements.
    - Modifies the K2 Railgun to be a limited-arc turret to prevent wall/turret fratricide when using explosive shells: Turrets have a 120-degree arc, slightly increased minimum and maximum range, and can "face" both orthogonal and diagonal directions.
    - Substantially increases K2 Medium Container and Warehouse sizes to 200 and 800 slots, respectively.
    - Alters Space Exploration's Naquium Processing recipe to return most of the Vitalic Acid as a byproduct, returning on average 3.5 of the 4 VA used.
    - Increases the Realistic Fusion Power Heat Exchanger's maximum temperature to 5500C in order to allow its use with Space Exploration's High Capacity Heat Exchanger and Turbine.
Version: 1.0.7
    - Attempts to preserve 50-item stacks of rocket fuel when using SpaceEx with K2.
    - Attempts to override Iridium and Naquium and Rocket Fuel stack sizes in delivery cannon recipes.
    - "Corrects" some insanity with SpaceEx's rocket fuel recipes in terms of gas volumes and ratios.
Version: 1.0.6
    - Adjusts some of the difficulty of transport and storage of Iridium and Naquium.
Version: 1.0.5
    - Reduces rate of fire of APC (12/s from 20/s)
    - Increases energy consumption of APC (16kJ from 8kJ)
    - Adds APC into K2's Universal Equipment category when K2 is installed.
Version: 1.0.4
    - Alters the base Flamethrower turret to have slightly improved range (36 from 30)
    - Doubles the fire stream velocity of flamethrower turrets, improving responsiveness and reducing delay in getting fire on target.
Version: 1.0.3
    - Modifies K2's Laser Artillery Turret to only draw 3.75MW of passive drain, in line with vanilla laser turrets' ratio of their maximum input draw.
    - Modifies the upgraded Cargo and Fluid wagons of Electric Train to include a K2 equipment grid.
    - Updates Miniloader's Advanced and Superior miniloaders to incorporate belt-speed changes introduced by this mod.
Version: 1.0.2
    - Modifies K2's Advanced Assembling Machine to fit a similar progression of crafting speed enhancement and building footprint scaling; Crafting Speed 8 from 5, Emissions to 8/m from 5/m, Power usage to 1480kW from 925kW, and enhances the module slots to 8 from 4.
Version: 1.0.1
    - Modifies K2's Water Atmospheric Condensation recipe to only take 0.25 seconds from 10 seconds, producing a base of 120 water per second. This is modified by the base crafting speed of the AC of 1.5 for a pre-module value of 180 water per second. Compare to Offshore Pumps producing 1250 water per second.
    - Compared to condensing Nitrogen and Oxygen, precipitating water from humid air takes orders of magnitude less energy and time.
    - This makes Water from ACs a feasible alternative to running leagues of pipes or other water-transport methods, particularly on waterless surfaces.
Version: 1.0.0
    - Adds a fuel value to Hydrogen from Krastorio2 (K2).
    - Fuel value is 150kJ, roughly one-sixth by volume of Petroleum Gas (PG) as defined by K2, and has a fuel emissions modifier of 0.1, making it significantly cleaner.
    - This value makes it economical to use Hydrogen from electrolysis as a clean(er) fuel, albiet requiring significant infrastructure for the electrolysis process to match the output of biomethanol or PG
    - This value is energy-negative when used with atmospheric condensation (without modules/beacons) (producing 4.5 MJ of fuel for 5.1 MJ of energy).
    - Allows Hydrogen to be burned in any existing fluid-burning machine, such as the Gas Generator and Fluid Isothermic generators.
Version: 0.41.3
    - Fixes issues with K2 and SpaceEx:
    - Reduces Nitrogen Atmospheric Condensation Energy Usage/process time by a factor of 10 (from 30 to 3); compare to 5 for Oxygen and 20 for Hydrogen.
    - Reduces Energy Usage of Rocket Fuel recipes using Ammonia and HCl from 16 to 1 to be consistent with other SpaceEx rocket fuel recipes.
Version: 0.41.2
    - Fixed belt speed discrepancy with Krastorio2 Loaders
Version: 0.41.1
    - Modified Krastorio2 Advanced Furnace crafting speed and power to scale with building footprint. (CS 18, 2MW, 4/min pollution) Increased Module Count to 8.
    - Modified AAI Industry Industrial Furnace crafting speed and power to scale with building footprint. (CS 10, 900kW, 2/min pollution)
Version: 0.41.0
    - Updated graphics of advanced modules based on new icons.
    - Compatibility for Factorio 1.1
Version: 0.40.9
    - Buffed speed of Krastorio2 belts to follow a similar progression to modified belt speeds, increasing by a factor of 2 for each tier. Be warned, Superior belts go ~extremely~ fast and are as of yet untested. This high speed may break the game or cause significant UPS problems. Exercise caution.
Version: 0.40.8
    - Added bullet trails to APC similar to bullet-trail mod since the equipment doesn't actually use ammo and isn't affected by that mod.
Version: 0.40.7
    - Versioning Update for 1.0.
    - The necessity of substantive changes is unknown at this point.
Version: 0.40.6
    - Adjusted Rocket Fuel value to 144 MJ and Nuclear Fuel to 2.88 GJ based on a detailed energy analysis of the processes.
    - Adjusted Exoskeleton movement speed bonus to 50% from 30% based on...reasons.
Version: 0.40.5
    - Adjusted Electric Furnaces; Restored power consumption of 180kW, increased crafting speed to 4 to scale with building footprint.
    - Adjusted Vehicle Friction Modifiers of Concrete and Refined Concrete: Vehicles should now travel slightly faster on Concrete and markedly faster on Refined Concrete.
Version: 0.40.4
    - Added inventory expansion technologies.
Version: 0.40.3
    - Added higher resolution icons for Hardened Axe and Steel Axe technology.
    - Changed character mining technology definitions for the sake of localizations and descriptions.
Version: 0.40.2
    - Added pipe-to-ground distance extension
Version: 0.40.1
    - Added character mining technologies and custom icons.
Version: 0.40.0
    - Initial Publish