Kiith's Rebalance and Tweaks

A simple balance mod for improved personal experience. Published for easy usage by friends. Mainly focuses on enhanced versatility of modules, machines, and vehicles. Contains several optional tweaks and changes to other mods.

4 months ago
0.17 - 2.0
5 years ago
Latest Version:
1.1.0 (4 months ago)
Factorio version:
0.17 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
636 users

Just a simple balance mod for improved personal experience and published for easy usage by friends.
- Tweaks/increases cannon round stack sizes and range.
- Modifies speed, productivity, and efficiency modules to be a little more appealing for compact module-reliant builds instead of sprawling continent-sized factories;
-- Speed Modules adjusted to 25, 50, and 100% speed bonus with increasing power demands.
-- Productivity Modules adjusted to 5, 10 and 20% output bonus with equivalent speed loss and increasing power demand. Alone, a Productivity Module will produce the same number of items over time for more energy and fewer materials, without a direct effect on pollution.
-- Efficiency Modules adjusted to 30, 60, and 120% power reduction with 10, 20, and 40% pollution reduction. Designed to counteract scaling power demands of Speed modules.
- Adds a rocket launcher to the Car.
- Extends rocket launcher range.
- Numerous tweaks to flamethrowers.
- Adjusts Oil Refinery module slots to 4.
- Extends Beacon radius to 5 tiles.
- Adds a low-tech, low-power, long-range personal autocannon (that uses energy - maybe someday I'll figure out how to make it use bullets), and adds a 25-slot equipment grid to trains.
- Improves crafting speed of electric furnaces and assembly machines.
- Adds three additional tiers of Productivity, Efficiency, and Speed modules which continue the progression of the adjustments to the core Modules. Adds a costly Technology to unlock them.
- Improves the Roboport slightly with improved energy buffer, input, and doubles the available charging ports.
- Improves the supply and connection range of all electric poles and substations, and makes Fast and Express transport belts and splitters exactly twice as fast as their predecessors.
- Adds Technologies that further increase character mining speed.
- Extends pipe-to-ground maximum distance to 16 tiles for traversing those dense base areas and extra-long pipelines. No length will ever be enough, of course, but this is a small concession.
- Adds Technologies that further increase character inventory (+10, +10, and +20, respectively) as successors to the Toolbelt technology, each requiring more and an additional type of science pack.