KuroNeko Felis' Realistic Electric Trains 1.1 fix

This mod adds electric trains which require power delivered by overhead lines.

2 years ago

b Balance error with Krastorio 2

2 years ago

Good afternoon! I am very interested in the idea of ​​electric trains with wires. But when running any fork of this mod along with Krastorio 2, I found a general train integration and balance error:

Krastorio 2 increases the weight of locomotives by 10 times adds a single very large grid of equipment, significantly increases several more characteristics:

Basic/Nuclear locomotive Krastorio 2:
- weight 10000 / 12000,
- acceleration power 2MW / 3MW,
- maximum power consumption 2MW / 30MW,
- equipment grid 12x12 (144 cells) / 12x12 (144 cells).

Realistic Electric Trains are much weaker:
- weight 3000/4000,
- acceleration power 0.6MW / 1.8MW,
- Maximum power consumption 0.6MW / 1.8MW,
- equipment grid 0x0 (0 cells) / 8 x2 (16 cells).

Since this error affects many railway mods, I wrote a general appeal to their developers, as well as the developers of Krastorio 2.

I did not know about the existence of your fork, so I first turned to the author of another fork https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Realistic_Electric_Trains_fix/discussion/620e023142c3bc631a4f48db .

But as I understand it, he is not interested in the development of the Realistic Electric Trains mod, so when I found your mod, I decided to address this problem to you, as the last interested developer of this mod.

If possible, please balance your locomotives for playing together with Krastorio 2. You can do this in the form of additional mod settings.

I also really liked the sprites of the Realistic_Electric_Trains_1.1_fix mod https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Realistic_Electric_Trains_fix . They are very original and fit perfectly with the theme of the mod.

I don't know who their author is, but if you could integrate them into your fork, it would be perfect!


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