Killkrog's Blueprint Manager deprecated

Adds ways to import/export and flip blueprints.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.15

b Crash. Same bug as in Blueprint string

8 years ago

Error message for killkrog:
Error while running the event handler: KBlueprints/control.lua:611: Given index value is too big, the data type allows values from 0 to 255

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

Do you use inventory size mods?
Factorio only uses one byte (0-255) to index your inventory.
Having a larger inventory will cause this bug when searching your inventory for an item, like an empty blueprint/blueprint book in this case.
There is no way to prevent that, it's just how Factorio was built.

8 years ago

Fixed in Factorio 0.13.12. More info from link in OP.

New response