It looks to me like you have a mod that increases inventory size/quickbars ? At least the line in the Foreman error deals with looking for an empty blueprint.
The blueprint itself loads fine for me with Foreman/Blueprintstring.
So this might actually be a Factorio bug?
For reference, the error Foreman creates: "control.lua:354: Given index value is too big, the data type allows values from 0 to 255"
Well I saw you in my bug report for the factorio devs and that bug should be fixed in Factorio 0.13.12. If anyone else is curious. And yes I have more inventory slots. I remember reading in one of the earlier changelogs that they updated the max limit of the inventory to 65535 after incorrectly introducing the 255 limit. Seems like they only did half the update that time! :>